Jake's Misadventure #8: Brotherhood transcends friendship.

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Jake's days have felt dimmer than before. Beth and Tristan are both not talking to him. Jake's left subjected to bumping into them in the halls only for them to rush off. Jake has some avoiding of his own to do, too. Ever since he walked away from Trish, he's been avoiding all possible areas he can possibly run into her. At home it wasn't good either. Ever since his marijuana escapade, Jake has been grounded for two weeks and can't go anywhere outside of the house unless given specific instruction to do otherwise. His father barely talks to him these days. 

Jake thought this transformation would be the best decision he's ever made, but ever since he's done so, nothing but friendship drama has ensued. Jake mostly blames himself. For hurting Tristan. I could've been a better friend Jake thought.  Jake couldn't sleep at night. He was up at most hours contemplating his next move. And the next morning, his plan was in motion. 

"You need to get out of my way Foley. I actually need to go into my locker this time." Tristan rolls his eyes when his eyes laid upon Jake standing erect in front of his locker, with no intention on moving. 

"I'm not moving until you agree to meet me after school so I can explain to you everything--" Tristan sighs heavily before interrupting Jake. 

"I don't need any explanation. Your actions spoke words." Jake continues to plead with Tristan. 

"I know what I did was wrong Tristan and I truly am--." 

"Let me guess, you're sorry for sticking your tongue down my exes throat. I bet you weren't thinking about me when you held her, when you kissed her. . ." Tristan became visibly upset. His anger seeping into his patience, causing for him to stare a hole into Jake Foley. 

"I'm not one for suggestions for Foley, but 'I suggest' you move out of my way before you make me late to class." Jake reluctantly took a step to the side letting Tristan open his locker. 

"Tristan, please. Let's talk this out." Tristan slams his locker abruptly, causing an intriguing stir to happen with the students in the hallways. Tristan turns and closes the gap between him and Foley. 

"I suggest that you leave me alone. . . For good, Foley." Tristan's jaws were clenched, his brown eyes staring into a hole of a man he once knew. Lingering eyes became lingering gossip as the student body witnessed the encounter. As the day continued, Jake eyes Tristan through the halls. 

As the final bell rings and the students file out of school, Jake lingered around the halls to notice Tristan at the end of the hall discussing things with Mark Andrews and his cronies. Jake raises a curious eyebrow. Since when have they been friends? Tristan shuts his locker and proceeded to leave with Mark Andrews and his cronies, leaving Jake suspicious. Jake instinctively follows the four out of the building and notices Tristan get into the car with Jake's sworn enemies and drive off with them. Something's definitely not clicking right

The next day, Jake confronts Tristan. 

"Foley, you're really pissing me off he--." 

"Why are you leaving with Mark Andrews and his cronies after school, hopping into a car with them and driving off?" Tristan appeared to be taken back from the question. Nevertheless, Tristan stood his ground. 

"As far as I'm concerned, this is none of your business. Now get out of my way." Jake refused to move. Tristan surprisingly shoves Jake out of the way to get to his locker but he winces in pain for a moment. 

Jake raises a curious eyebrow. 

"Wait. . . are you hurt?" Tristan turns around, showcasing his grim face. 

The Misadventures of Jake FoleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz