The Three Musketeer's Misadventure #1: New Beginnings Part Two.

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Trish's car arrives in the driveway of her residence. She stops the car but doesn't make a move. Jake turns to her with a curious look. 

"Something wrong?" Trish takes a moment to shift over to the right side of her seat. Jake notices her facial expression turned stern. 

"I'm a bit nervous if you can't already tell." Jake scoffs before reaching for her petite palm. 

"Why so nervous? It's just dinner." Trish looks away for a moment. 

"It's not just a dinner and I think you know that." Jake leans back in his seat. 

"I certainly know that. I'm not THAT clueless." Trish laughs before taking a deep breath. She slowly gets out of the car, meeting Jake in the middle of the driveway. The couple walks to the front door. Jake previously walked to her house a few times prior to this occassion but for some reason, this one feels different. Opening the door, the couple can hear the family talking and chatting in the kitchen.

As the two continue closer to the kitchen, Trish clenches Jake's hand harder and harder. Jake whispers into her ear. 

"You might break my hand." Trish quickly loosens the grip. The two enter the kitchen, revealing themselves to the family. Almost instantly the noise became mute as everyone's eyes were on the two. Trish avoids the eye contact of her siblings and looks to her parents. William & Olivia Krouser stand together, their arms entangled with one another. 

"This is Jake Foley. Jake, this is my dad William and my mom Olivia." Jake smiles his charming smile and walks over with a hand extended. 

"Lovely to meet you Mr & Mrs. Krouser." Jake approaches William first with an extended palm. William stands taller than the rest of his family. He dawns a snow grey sweater with black dress pants and dress shoes to match. William smiles at Jake and reciprocates the hand shake but rather firmly. 

"It's nice to finally meet you. Trish tends to talk about you quite frequently." Trish rolls her eyes. Olivia releases a palm and a wide smile, revealing her stainless white teeth. She dawns an olive green dress that blends with her copper skin. Her dirty blonde hair falls down her strapless right shoulder. 

Jake turns around to notice Trish's siblings sitting at the table, disassociated from the group. Trish's younger sister Ava groans, grappling her pink colored tablet. 

"Ugh, this game sucks!" She turns to her only brother Will who's glued to his phone and dawning the latest headphones. Trish rolls her eyes. 

"Can we have one dinner where no one is on their device?" Ava looks up and turns her tablet over, visibly upset with the game she couldn't beat. Jake smiles and approaches her softly. He kneels to one knee and with a smile he introduces himself. 

"Hi Ava, my name's Jake. It's lovely to meet you." Ava looks at Jake but doesn't move her hands to meet his in the middle. "What game were you playing?" Ava jolts for her tablet once more and shows a pattern game to Jake. 

"Oh I see, I can understand how hard this game can get. You just got to continue to try, eventually you'll get the hang of it. Like this." Jake begins to solve the patterns for Ava and her eyes instantly shoot up. 

"NO! I want to do it." Ava snatches the tablet away from Jake and proceeds to follow his instruction. Jake laughs at the rudeness and looks to Trish. 

Trish walks around the table and snatches Ava's tablet out of her hands. Will is quick enough to place the phone in his pocket before Trish was able to get to his side of the table. William & Olivia proceed to their positions in the dining room table. Both sit at the head of the table and on the left will be Will and Ava sitting together. On the left will be Trish and Jake sitting together. A pearl colored chandelier hangs low on the ceiling, keeping the light of the room dimmed for relaxation. 

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