Jake's Day Dream #1: Light in the Darkness.

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The sun rises from the midst of clouds in the distance. Birds sing their melodic songs, acting as a background for all those who are too busy to sit and listen. Bright orange light creeps into Jake's window, darting across his walls. While everyone is presumably sleeping soundly in bed, Jake's wide awake. His mind obsessively captures the once in a lifetime moment with Beth. The way her lips perked as he etched closer to her continued to replay in his mind. Her beautiful eyes dart across his vision whenever he closes his eyes. His nose fills with her calming lavender scent. 

After being awake practically all night, Jake finally gives up on sleep. He carefully makes his bed, wishing Beth were under the sheets. Jake instinctively checks his phone and views a text from Beth. 

Beth: I definitely want to smoke again. 

Jake smirks, resting his phone atop of the bed. Jake hisses at the memory of his hands nearly touching her body. How could Jake be so hesitant? After all of this time chasing the girl of his dreams, he froze when given an opportunity. With the question of the day reigning in his mind, he collects his clothes and quickly walks to the bathroom. Turning the knob, the knob doesn't budge. 

"Whoever is in there needs to hurry up." Tristan rolls his eyes from the other side of the door. "You're at my mercy now BITCH!" Tristan laughs menacingly. Jake hears his phone go off once more. The bathroom door swings open, to reveal a shirtless Tristan with a toothbrush in his mouth. 

"I haven't seen you up this early in a long time." Jake mockingly laughs.

"It must be love on the brain then." Tristan rolls his eyes. 

"You better not be talking about-" Jake shrugs his shoulders. 

"You didn't hear anything from me. But, I think Beth likes me." Tristan sighs heavily before spitting the toothpaste into the sink. 

"I'm not going to hear this." Tristan shuts the door behind him, leaving Jake alone. Jake begins to take off his clothes, staring blankly in the mirror. With so much pressure with tests coming up for the end of the year, Jake often found himself exhausted these days. Suddenly, relaxation settles in. His reality no longer was confined from within the walls of the bathroom.

Jake blinks and suddenly is taken to a land far away. Bright auburn fires cackle all around Jake. A charred battlefield is all Jake could see. Blood etched into the khaki-colored sand. A pair of footsteps slide across the sand, catching the attention of Jake. He gasps. A figure standing erect with a translucent robe. The figure eyes in the direction of Jake. After a tense filled a few moments, the robed figure reveals their identity. Jake sees himself, with grey hair falling to his shoulders.

"Where am I!?" The robed Jake did not reply, instead he eyes directly in front of him. A similar figure in height makes its presence known. However, the robe was directly in contradiction. A metallic black robe covered the figure from head to toe, leaving nothing to the imagination. The figure yanks his hoodie down, to reveal another Jake, this time with a scar along the cheek where Beth previously kissed him. Dark Jake is bald with a menacing look. 

Jake has no idea what's going on, his tongue held hostage. 

"Brother. Look at all of this destruction you've caused?" Light Jake methodically takes a step forward. 

"Brother, you must see what your destruction has caused! Your face is filled with anguish and bitterness. The power of negativity has possessed you and turned you into something YOU can no longer control. Instead of fighting this, please let me heal you, brother. It is time you move on from such pain and introduce yourself into a new world. A new world filled with love and peace." Light Jake stalks forward. Light Jake outstretches a palm, revealing a robust white glowing light. Dark Jake snickers, his eyes filled with anger and hate. 

"The light has blinded you. You fail to see the TRUTH of our existence. You preach of brotherhood and kinship during a tumultuous time. Our true nature isn't kinship or brotherhood but it's selfishness. All we ever cared about is ourselves. Beth always thought about herself, leaving you in a place of despair. She doesn't love you and will never love someone like you. She didn't like who you were so she changed you, from top to bottom. You changed your entire look and persona. Just for a girl who didn't understand your sacrifices. She takes them for granted and will take you for granted. Just like she's always done." 

A fresh swell of anger rose in Jake. 

"How could you ever say these things about her? You love her!" The Dark Jake turns creepily towards Jake, the spectator. Fear grasped onto his legs, leaving him unable to move. Light Jake quickly appears with a powerful bright blast, aimed for Dark Jake's chest. Dark Jake propels into the air and falls harshly to the ground. Dark Jake rises slowly thereafter, a smirk plastered on his face.

"You should've aimed for the head." Dark Jake leaps to his feet and bolts forward with his palms out. Long metallic tendrils flex from his nails and jolts forward, aiming for the neck of Light Jake. 

Light Jake immediately turns to Spectator Jake behind him. 

"I'd close my eyes if I were you."

Spectator Jake closes his eyes tight but still was able to feel the bright energy temporarily. High pitched shrieks puncture his ear drums. Dark Jake, stunned, covers his eyes. Light Jake flashes forward in one quick motion, while traveling he manifests a bright sword made of this ethereal energy. In one calculated strike, Light Jake impales Dark Jake with the heavenly energy. Dark Jake drops to one knee, groaning louder and louder. 

"She's the only person you've ever loved. Forgive her brother, and your afflictions will cease to exist. Love is the positive energy you need in order to resuscitate you from your demise." 

Dark Jake appears to be limp in the arms of Light Jake. Light Jake turns to Spectator Jake with bright hollow eyes. 

"Jake! You're going to be late for school!" Gerry's voice is heard from beyond the bathroom door. Jake blinks frantically, yet feels calm when the place around him became familiar.

"I got to stop smoking." 

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