Jake's Misadventure #33: The Present Moment.

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Jake opens the wide doors of Wesleyan High and probes the sea of students. Wide banners decorate every single open space along the walls. Bright colors reading, "Spring Formal." Exciting chatter happens all around Jake. He stares aimlessly around, careful not to bump into anyone. A group of girls cheerfully spread the news of the Spring formal in the form of verbal banter or graphic flyers. However, when Jake arrived, the cheerfulness halted to a complete stop. Lingering eyes aim at Jake. One of the girls steps forward, her lips tight. 

"How can you live with yourself?" Stunned, Jake turns to the stranger eyeing her short brown hair and matching eyes. 

"What are you talking about?" She scoffs. 

"You must be joking right?" Jake nervously holds the ends of his backpack. 

"I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about." 

"So you really don't know?" Jake rolls his eyes. 

"This is what I've been telling you the entire time." 

"Trish is at the hospital. They found her last night in her bathroom, unconscious." An extreme uneasy feeling settles in the pit of Jake's stomach. 

"No, No way. Hospital? What hospital? Is everything okay?" 

"How ironic that you're worried about her when YOU'RE the reason why she's there. She's never been right since you happened. Stopped hanging out with us, pushing us all away because of you." A loud noise begins to ring in the conscious of Jake, causing a shaky balance and dizziness. Jake quickly scurries off, his intent heading for the nearest bathroom. 

Violently opening the door, Jake rushes to the bathroom sink nearest of him. He anxiously turns the knob. No water escapes the faucet. Jake goes to the next sink, nothing. Finally arriving at the last sink farthest from the doors, a steady stream escapes. Jake cups his hands under the water and splashes the remains at his face. A queasy feeling continued to eat at the insides of his stomach. Sweat forms on the temples. Heavy breathing ensues. Quickly with shaky hands, Jake calls Trish's number. 

"Sorry I couldn't reach you. Probably busy or trying to avoid you. Can you guess which?" Jake hangs up. His phone vibrates, showcasing a familiar name on the screen. 

Beth: Are you going to the spring formal? 

Jake hesitates for a moment before placing the phone back in his pocket. His mind couldn't think about Beth right now. The guilt's insurmountable and situates itself casually upon his shoulders. Jake exits the bathroom, with a destination in mind. As the students and teachers wander around the hall, Jake exits one of the side entrances. Arriving outside of the school building, Jake's head is on a swivel. Careful not to get caught, Jake rushes away from the perimeter. 

Meanwhile, Beth sighs, her eyes piercing through the screen. No answer from Jake. Whenever she thinks about him now, she can't help but think about how close she was to him. How his musky smell intoxicated her nostrils. How she was one move away from becoming completely his. Now she curses under her breath. When have I become so obsessed with Jake? Her mind floods her with calming memories of the two as the bell rings. 

"Is a Trish Krouser here?" Jake hovers over the counter, trying to catch his breath. The woman behind the counter eyes Jake carefully. 

"Are you a family member?" Jake nods his head, his lips tight. 

"Her room is around the corner, the last door on your left." Jake gratefully nods before quickly following the blue tiles of the hospital floor. Sounds of groaning and pain surrounded him. Sterile alcohol envelopes his senses. Sad faces & eyes stare at him as he walks by. An unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach intensifies as he nears her room. A large horizontal window shows Trish lying in bed, with her eyes shut. His feet suddenly come to a halt, his eyes captivated by the tragedy. His hand grasps the bouquet of flower arrangements. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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