The Three Musketeer's Misadventure #1: New Beginnings.

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The school bell rings, signaling the last school day for the remainder of the year. Jake immediately heads to the library with a smirk on his face. It has become a routine for Jake. Every day after school he meets Trish in the library. Although lately his guilt has been rising not only for Tristan but for Beth as well. Kids swarm the hallways, eager to grab their winter coats and start their winter vacations. Jake snuggles underneath his sleek black coat before opening the library door. Jake eyes Trish immediately as he walks in. She smiles before striding towards him. 

"Hey, Lover." Trish walks to Jake before planting a quick kiss on his lips. His entire body tingles. 

"What's on the agenda today?" Trish quickly checks her phone before looking to Jake. 

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you." Jake raises a curious eyebrow. 

"Would you want to have dinner with my family? We have this Christmas dinner every year." Jake smirks. 

"Oh I don't know, I'm not sure if I can fit it in my busy schedule." Trish playfully smacks him on the arm, the coat absorbing the  blow. 

"Of course. I'd love to. I've been in your dad's study but never met the man himself." Trish nervously fiddles with her hands.

 "It looks like we're going to have to buy you a suit!" Trish smiles before grasping Jake's hand. 

"Time to go shopping!" 

The next day, Jake awakens from his slumber. Blinking furiously, Jake rises before stretching and yawning a bit of the tiredness out of his body. Jake turns to his closet on the opposite side of the room and saw his navy suit hanging off the doorknob. He couldn't help but smile before getting out of bed. Reaching for his phone on the bed side table, he opens his phone and instinctively goes to the message from Beth. 

Beth: I need to talk to you Jake. 

Jake: ? 

No reply was given after his initial text, causing a whirlwind of scenarios playing out in his head. Jake proceeds down the stairs but not before hearing the front door close. Walking to the living room Jake looks around to see no one. The Christmas Tree is lit an array of golden lights mismatched with olive green and cherry red, with a bundle of presents underneath. Jake walks to the window and opens the curtains to see light snow fall to the ground. Jake also notices what appears to be Tristan walking up the street with his hands buried in his pocket. Jake quickly texts Tristan about his whereabouts before having his cereal in the morning. 

Throughout the day, Jake prepares himself to meet Trish's parents. After taking a shower & placing the suit on, Jake couldn't help but pace back and forth in the living room. 

"If you keep pacing back and forth, you're going to make yourself dizzy." Gerry appears with a beer in hand and the television remote in the other. 

"Going out tonight?" Jake nods his head. 

"Yeah! But no worries, I'll be leaving to come back here. Who's playing tonight?" Gerry turns to the screen and squints his eyes. 

"Philadelphia versus New York." Gerry proceeds to his leather brown comforter, the one nearest the television. Jake, adjusting his tie turns to his father with a quizzical look. 

"Have you seen Tristan?" Gerry shakes his head. 

"I haven't seen him all day." Jake approaches the living room, his polished dress shoes gliding across the wooden floor. 

"I heard the front door open and close this morning. I texted him but he hasn't replied." Gerry turns to Jake. 

"I'm sure he'll be back." Jake walks to the window, nervously opening and closing the curtains. Out of the darkness of the night, bright lights enter the driveway, following by a car horn. Jake continues to fidget with his suit, even throughout the door. 

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