Jake's Misadventure #20: New Year's Eve.

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"This winter vacation feels like a rollercoaster." Trish laughs, leaning back in her leather driver's seat. 

"Why you say that?" Jake's mind instantly races to the night of Christmas. Beth's sad face riddles his subconscious. Jake blinks and Beth's face is gone, for now. 

"Well, I met your family. You met my dad & now it just seems we're waiting for school to fuck up all of this good momentum." Jake turns to Trish, his eyes piercing hers. 

"Not if you think like that Mr. Foley." Trish snuggles against his arm, Jake pets her soft hair that falls down to one side. 

"All that's left of our vacation is New Year's." 

"Speaking of which, how'd you want to ring in the new year?" Trish shrugs her shoulders. 

"There's a couple of students holding parties at their house." Jake shakes his head. 

"And where the hell is all of the parents? They're just not home?" Trish shrugs her shoulders for a response. 

"Anyone we know?" Trish glides her petite fingers along the seams of his shirt. 

"No one you know. Just some boneheaded cheerleaders. Who care about their popularity & will do anything to up their status in anyway." Jake shakes his head. 

"Sounds about right to me." Trish smiles and looks up to Jake. Before she has a chance to speak, Jake interrupts her attempt. 

"Oh no, it looks like you have a devious plan churning in that brain of yours." Trish nods her head. 

"I was thinking we can go to one of these parties and I don't know, drink & socialize with like minded individuals." 

Jake scoffs, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. 

"Like minded individuals? I'd consider myself an outcast first before ever saying 'I'm one of them.'" Trish rolls her eyes. 

"Geez Foley, you act more pretentious than me. And I have money!" Trish laughs, Jake laughs along with her. She turns to Trish's face but her face distorts for the first time. Her features change and mold into Beth. Frightened of his own mind, Jake desperately blinks his eyes to reset his vision. Beth/Trish leans in for a kiss, Jake's heart beat races but his mind is confused. Who does he really want it to be leaning in to kiss him? Jake closes his eyes and places a sensual kiss on the lips of Trish who now appears in front of him once again. 

"Fine, let's go to a teenage party and get fucked up!" 

Tristan walks over to room window upstairs and notices Trish's car parked in the driveway. Squinting his eyes, he sees Jake and Trish lean in for a kiss. Tristan sighs. He shuts the curtains and walks out of the room. 

New Years Eve. 

Jake enters the familiar vehicle. He rubs his hands furiously trying to gain some sort of heat after closing the passenger door. 

"Who's party are we going to anyways?" Trish contemplates for a moment. After no avail, she shrugs. 

"I have no clue to be honest. All I know is she is one of the cheerleaders on the basketball team. I'm sure we'll find out." Jake couldn't hold back laughter. 

"Wait, so we're going to a complete strangers home? And you don't even know her name?" Trish playfully smacks his chest. 

"Don't make fun of me! I just want to get drunk & fuck. Is that a problem?" Trish turns to Jake, her smile very devious.  Jake bites his lower lip. 

"I'm not making fun of you I was just. . . Recapping the events so far." Jake places his seat belt on. Trish adjusts her mirrors once more before uploading the address on her phone. 

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