Jake's Misadventure #9: Old habits die hard.

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After mending things with Tristan in an unorthodox manner, Jake has his sights on Beth. Ever since the "Incident", Beth has been dodging Jake in the halls and has been nearly unresponsive through text. So when Jake woke up the next morning and met Tristan in the halls on the way  to class, Jake appeared to have a plan. 

"Daisies? Foley, she's ignoring you because it's just too awkward to talk about anything. You need to let this infatuation of yours go. For real, it's starting to get old." Jake scoffed. 

"She's been my best friend since middle school. There's no way I won't fight for at least our friendship. It's a perfect plan, her favorite flower is Daisies." Tristan shuts his locker and swings his metallic black bag over his left shoulder. 

"Foley, you never listen to me.  I'm telling you, just let it go. You're the new and improved 'Jake Foley!' I'm sure you're able to get some phone numbers if you truly tried." 

Jake shook his head as the two began to walk down the halls. 

"It's not about me just liking her, Tristan. I'm doing this for our friendship as well." As the dynamic duo walked down the halls, Jake receives lingering eyes from the students. 

"It seems that this black eye you gave me is also magnetic for eyes apparently." Tristan only laughed as he continued down the hallway.

Turning the corner, the duo quickly stops when their eyes gaze down the corner to reveal Mark Andrews and his cronies walking towards their direction. Jake gave an uneasy glance to Tristan but Tristan chose to ignore and look directly forward. Eventually the cronies and Mark eye the two. Walking past the two, Mark slightly turns his head above his shoulders. 

"This is not over dirt bags." As they disappear through the sea of students, Jake walked to class, only to day dream about his one true crush, Beth. 

Jake found himself day-dreaming about Beth quite frequently. Even with the whole fling with Trish that lasted two seconds, Jake's mind always found his heart and mind wander to Beth. Jake always knew deep inside he doesn't deserve someone as special as Beth. His own insecurities crippled his confidence and year after year he'd witness Beth and her new boyfriend kiss and embrace the way he truly wanted with her. No one craved it as much as Jake. Beth, the captain of the volleyball team, Vice President of the Student Council, as well as an honor roll student; he understood the reason for anyone to fantasize about Beth. She's perfect. His day-dream took a rest for a moment as the obnoxious bell rang loudly signaling lunch. 

Entering the cafeteria, Jake quickly scanned the area to notice Beth and her friend Angela waiting in line. Jake sighed. Angela and Jake previously had plans to go on a date, but Jake cancelled and decided to comfort Beth during the night of her awful breakup, the night of the "incident." Jake reluctantly walks over and approaches the two ladies. Angela's face instantly becomes blush red as Jake approaches. 

"Hi ladies!" Jake grasps the handles of his bag and flashes a warm smile at both. 

"Hey, Beth do you mind if I can talk to you for a second?" Angela's blushed face turns pure white now. Beth nods and follows Jake outside. 

"Jake, what the hell happened to your face? That's the gossip around the halls right now." Jake nervously laughs, trying to think of a quick lie. 

"Well, I was on a bike and I hit a pebble on the road and my bike completely tipped over and I fell right on my face." Beth shakes her head. 

"You gotta be more careful Jake. If it's any consolation, some girls are spreading rumors on how hot you are with a black eye." Jake shook his head and laughed. 

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