Jake's Misadventure #7: "We are so close yet so far."

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Jake's sluggish movement guided him. He had approximately an hour of walking ahead of him, all due to Jake not being able to keep his mouth shut. Sliding from side to side, Jake felt true exhaustion. Convinced he can't go any further, he eyes to his right and notices his house manifest in the neighborhood. Jake smiles but was reluctant to enter the home. Jake mumbled to himself "I did a boo-boo." Jake giggled as he continued to walk towards the dreaded last destination of the day. The memory of the was a kind of blur; Jake sighs and couldn't help but think about Trish, Tristan, Beth and the entire universe and how truly big and wide it actually is. 

As Jake nears the front door, it swings open to reveal a visibly irate father inside. Crossing his arms across his chest, Gerry yanked Jake inside and shuts the door. 

"Ow, lay off the grip." Gerry releases his grip, as he places Jake on a seat at kitchen table. Gerry sniffed Jake and sighed heavily. 

"You got to be kidding me Jake. I get a call from your school telling me you weren't in class. Then, you call me with some story I couldn't fully comprehend because you're high out of your fucking mind!" 

Jake giggled a bit before the father gave a stern look. 

"I want to know what happened. . . And I want to know what happened, NOW." Gerry yanks the chestnut colored dinner chair out of it's placement and sits down. Jake held his head with his palms. Sighing, Jake realized he couldn't possibly tell this story high. Suddenly, it all came back to him like a vessel of memory revealing itself in Jake's subconscious. 

"Oh-Oh-Okay pops. I'll tell you everything. It all started really two weeks ago---" Gerry raised a large finger and shook his head. 

"I don't care what happened two weeks ago, tell me what happened today Jake. TODAY!" Gerry grew to be inpatient as his composure beginning to lack patience. Jake begrudgingly nodded before continuing the story. 

"It all started this morning."

This Morning

Arriving at the library per usual, Jake scans the library for a familiar face. Ever since the first kiss from Trish, he's been meeting her here ever since to "Study." But Jake and Trish knew it was a lot more than that. Jake can't help himself. Whenever the guilt of being Tristan's friend overwhelms him, Trish calms him by cupping his face in her smooth palms and stares into his eyes with her feline like eyes and, at that moment, he's her's. She's full of surprises and tricks that she tries with Jake on a daily basis, keeping it fresh each time. After looking around the library for 10 minutes, Jake sighed. Jake knew what he was doing was wrong. At every moment he's with this girl, he's hurting his best friend in the entire world. But on the other hand, Jake never really had anything like this. 

The closest he got with a girl was with Chelsea Miller in the 7th grade. After playing truth or dare at Beth's birthday party, both were dared to kiss each other which Chelsea openly disapproved, by leaving and telling everyone no. That must have done well with the confidence of Jake Foley. But look at me now he thought, he's got one of the prettiest girls in the entire school obsessed with kissing his lips, she gets angry whenever he tries to end it. "It has to be love." Jake mumbled to himself.  Instantly, his vision grew dark. Two familiar smooth hands obstruct his vision. Jake smiles. 

"I was looking for you, I'm kind of surprised I'm here first. You're generally here first." 

Jake turns and smiles, revealing a true beauty of "Wesleyan High." Trish rests a palm on his chest. 

"I haven't had a really good morning. So, here's what we're going to do. We're going to skip school and go to the beach! Oh and possibly the mall I need to pick up some new shoes for an event I'm planning soon!"Jake raises a nervous eyebrow. 

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