Jake's Misadventure #27: Consequences.

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"If I had a dollar for every time I've received a dirty stare, I'd be a millionaire." Jake walks alongside Beth, careful to dodge any student in the crowded hallway leading to the cafeteria. Jake hurries to the door and holds it open for Beth.

"Why thank you, you're such a gentleman." Beth curtsies playfully. Jake smiles wide, his eyes never leaving Beth. Arriving in their familiar table, Jake peers his head low, careful not to make eye contact with anyone. 

"It's been a few days and I thought this hype I supposedly have would calm down. I guess not." 

"It'll die down eventually. High school kids are always looking for the next drama to talk about it." Beth reassures Jake with a loving palm atop his arm. 

"I'm surprised you're still here, sitting next to me at lunch. Aren't you worried about what they're going to say about you?" 

"No, not really. It was exhausting to play the golden girl in school. Everyone wanted to know about me and Devin, everyone wanted to know how my grades were." 

"I definitely don't miss it." Jake nods while scarfing down the average food for lunch. After a few moments of silence, Beth turns to Jake. 

"Was it true?" Jake immediately meets her gaze, his chestnut brown eyes scanning hers. 

"What do you mean?" 

"What that girl said to you. Was it true?" Jake sighs, tension beginning to rest on his tiresome shoulders. 

"I won't judge you, Jake, I'm just curious is all." Beth rubs her shoulders. 

"Yes. What she said was true." Beth is taken aback by his answer. 

"But of course it's not as simple as she tried making it be." 

"I know Foley. You don't have a bad bone in your body." They both chuckle. 

"I did like Trish. But thing's change. I didn't mean to have anybody hurt." Beth nods, 

"Unfortunately, we don't get that choice. Someone is always going to get hurt." Jake nods somberly. 

"If only I can take it back." 

Arriving home after a long exhausting day at school, Jake throws his bag atop of the couch and walks to the kitchen. Opening the basement door, Jake storms down in hopes to drown his sorrows away with some soda and some video games. Gerry appears in front of him with his arms crossed. Sitting on the basement couch is Tristan, his eyes aimed to the floor. 

"Come back down here." Jake turns to his father before slowly advancing back down the stairs. 

"I am sick and tired of living on eggshells in my own house. You two have been friends for way too long to be ignoring each other like this. So I come up with a solution I think will work for everybody." Gerry uncrosses his arms to reveal a key in his palm. 

"This is the key for the lock for the basement door. I won't unlock the door until you two talk out your differences. Good luck!" 

Gerry rushes up the stairs, in spite of the pleas from Tristan and Jake. The door shuts obnoxiously and the sound of the lock reinforced is soon to follow. Jake and Tristan sit in awkward silence for a while, their eyes careful to not meet. Tristan crosses his arms and sinks back into the sofa. Unspoken tension fills the room. 

"I can get your dad arrested for this y'know." Tristan rolls his eyes before approaching the fridge. Jake crosses his arms and defends his dad, 

"And what will you say? That my dad took you in when you have nowhere to go and lets you eat, poop, shower for free here." Tristan turns to Jake with a look of disdain. 

"We wouldn't be in this mess if you just kept your lips to yourself." Jake shrugs, 

"I honestly have no idea what to tell you. I don't talk to her anymore--" Tristan scoffs, 

"Was that before or after she embarrassed you in front of the entire school body?" Jake sighs before walking over to the couch and sits. 

"Before." Tristan finishes the soda in his hand in quick succession before dispersing it in the trash. 

"All for that Beth chick, who not too long ago abandoned you. You seem to forget that fact." Jake sighs, clearly tired of speaking on the subject. 

"She has done nothing for you yet you throw it all on the line for her. Making yourself look like an idiot every time. Makes me look bad to have such a lame friend." Jake laughs and rises methodically from his seat.

 "Do you want to know what's lame Tristan? What's lame is your attitude. Acting like everyone owes you something in life due to your shit childhood, but in reality? You got to step up and start taking control of your life. All you do is skip school. You 'act' like one of the cool kids but in actuality, you're just as much of a loser as I am. I used to look up to you, but  you've turned into this person, I no longer recognize." Tristan etches closer to Jake.

"I'm the loser? Please, if it wasn't for me you'd get your ass kicked by Andrews every single time and would be the laughing stock of the school." 

Jake laughs and reduces the distance between the two. 

"I have you to thank from protecting me from mediocrity.  What's next? Thanking you for nearly ruining my friendship with Beth?" Tristan laughs, 

"You are still hung up about that aren't you? You are one stupid man to believe that you and Beth will EVER be together." In one quick moment, Jake clenches his jaw and releases a punch, aiming for the nose. Tristan quickly dodges the punch and releases one of his own, contacting the stomach of Jake. Jake immediately falls to his knees. Anger immediately washes over Jake. The frustration of everything in his life collects itself in an unsanctioned unity and begins to boil over. Jake releases an upper-cut, contacting Tristan's groin. Jake stares across to Tristan while placing a careful palm across his stomach. Unfamiliarity in this situation creates tightness in Jake's gut. In a blink of an eye, Tristan is atop of Jake, raining combinations of strikes anywhere there's exposure to the body. Jake groans when the base of Tristan's knuckle strikes his side. After what appeared to be a lifetime, Jake releases a headbutt to Tristan knocking him off his position. 

The door of the basement swings open and Gerry's thunderous feet rush down the stairs. Without a verbal reaction, Gerry swings into action. Gerry wraps his big wide arms around Tristan and yanks him off the ground. Tristan angrily dares to escape, wiggling his feet. 

"THIS ENDS NOW." Gerry walks Tristan to a corner opposite of Jake and releases him. 

"THIS ENDS NOW," Gerry repeats himself, never wavering his eye contact to Tristan. The color of anger shades his cheeks, all he saw was red. Gerry lowers his neck menacingly and whispers, 

"GET... OUT... OF MY HOUSE." Tristan stares a hole into Gerry, before slowly walking to the basement stairs.

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