Chapter Two

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I quickly swim to the meeting room, through the hallways, running underneath the chandeliers, the light hitting of them making them stand out. It takes about 30 minutes for me to go to the meeting room from the living room but if I am in a rush the time taken to go to the meeting room is only about 15 minutes.

I then pass a corridor filled with paintings. One of the girls in one of the paintings said hello to me. The paintings are alive but are not based on real people. The girl's name was Aria. I sometimes talk to her. That sounded kind of strange. I talk to paintings and they talk back. A painting which moves about and there are people in it that can see me. Well back to the present.

I swim over the red carpet that has never been stepped on. We always swim over it.

The fresh smell of cookies being baked smelled delicious. Our chef was making them. Mr Aldente. He was a really good cook but he had a bit of a temper. He would always get angry if I ever ask if he needed help but except that he was really nice.

How is he cooking cookies underneath the water? You may ask. I think the cookies are not in the water because he is using some type of powers. He probably has air powers. Normally people with air powers would be a life guard in the ocean and secretly help and save humans and other creatures with legs.

I kept on swimming and stopped when I saw the black door with a plaque saying the words 'meeting room '. I immediately looked at my sleeves of my violet shirt (my favorite color by the way) that I was wearing to see that they were not crumpled. I then swam the the door.


I knocked my knuckles on the cold door.

"Come in and sit down," my father said from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and swam in and sat down on a green chair with wheels at the bottom. In front of me was a large table and at the other side of it was my father, beside him on my right was my mother and beside him on my left was a woman I had never seen before. The woman had black straight hair, her eyes were a very strange color. Her eyes were a little bit blue but mostly white. The blue was so light that if you did a very quick glance at her eyes you would think that her Iris was one colour.

"Serena this is Madame Mouspell. The second most powerful witch in America, she says. As you can see she does not have a tail but feet. She can make herself be able to breath in water for only a few minutes. Unluckily only herself," my mom said as she looked at Madame Mouspell.

"Nice to meet you. I am Serena," I said, facing her.

"Now on to business, I have brought you all here because we have to talk about a very important matter. Werewolves. We have to go and find out what is happening to them and what, if they are, planning,"my father said in a serious tone.

Why did he or my mom bring a witch, themselves and me here. Normally he and my mother plan things out. I can never get anything out of them with what they normally talk about in this room.

"We have to do something that has only once been done before. We have to turn a mermaid into a human,"my mother said.

That has only happened once. It was my grandmother's sister, Ariel that got turned into a human. But I still do not know why I am here.

"Serena do you know anyone, anyone at all, that can breath under and above water?"My mother asked me.

"No one else but me. Wait can I be that mermaid?"I ask, just right now realizing why I was here. Why did they ask me, I was homeschooled, they knew more people than I did.

"No, you can't, I mean, there has to be someone else," she said calmly, rubbing her hands.

"Your highnesses, you have to choose on a decision in the next 5 minutes because my spell is wearing off. And I am just saying. Your daughter will most likely be safe, she knows how to defend herself and she can control water. And maybe this is for other research to find out what a mermaid's voice does to a human or a werewolf. You should be more worried for the Werewolves, Vampires and humans she meets," Madame Mouspell said quickly, not wanting to waste time.

"Maybe she is right. And if anything suspicious happens we will tell her to go back and get someone else to help, my mother said.

"Ok yes you will be the mermaid that will be turned into a human. You will have legs, your hearing and sight will turn slightly into a human's and your voice will not be changed." My father said.

"When will she be turned into a human?" My mother asked.

"At sunrise. I must go now. The spell is wearing off." The witch said standing up and walking to the door.

Just as she was about to close the door and walk off, she used a spell, she looked like she was walking but was not touching the ground.

"We will meet at the rock nearest the coast," Madame Mouspell said.

The door closed shut making a loud noise.

"Ok we will organize everything. You will have an apartment and you will go work at Starbucks. And we will have Molly accompany you to go to the rock. Remember this is very dangerous. Also don't tell anyone, not even the paintings,"mother said to me, I was going out to the world and be human to spy on the land people.

I was going to walk on two legs. How can I do that?
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