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"So what should we say to her when she wakes up?" I heard a boy's voice say.

"Look I don't know , let's just find a way for her to be quite, she needs to be calm." I heard another voice say.

What, why do I have to be quite? I open my eyes and see two silhouettes standing in front of a doorway. I could not see their faces as the light was behind them.

"Look what you just did you woke her up!" One of them said , her voice sounded like she was a girl.

I then try to move my arm and saw that I was tied, no handcuffed to a part of a bed. That's what I have been on all this time.

Then the girl stomped towards me. What made her so angry?

"Look come on , we have been waiting for you ". I then see a key , a small blue gem was on it , appear out of her pocket and she opened the handcuffed and freed my arm.

She then grabbed the arm that had not been handcuffed and dragged me off of the bed.

I nearly just fell onto the ground but luckily I stopped myself from falling. I was in a white dress that fell onto the ground. I had nothing on my feet I was barefoot. The wood underneath me felt smooth. As if someone had scrubbed the floor for hours.

She dragged me through the door and dragged me through a few hallways. The other silhouette walking behind me. It was a boy.

The girl had black shiny hair that had curls that were so pretty that no one could probably imagine how pretty they were.

The boy had black hair as well , his hair in a ' I woke up like this' style but it suited him.

I looked at my arm that had been handcuffed and saw a small red line around that arm, I think that the handcuff was probably very tight.

What am I doing here? My hair keeps on going in my face. I flick my hair away with my free hand. I try making her slow down.

The girl does not stop , instead she walks even quicker. The only noise I hear is our footsteps.

Suddenly she stops , I  try stopping but ended up slipping backwards. The boy caught me. He helped me stand and then walked to a bookshelf. The girl then tightened her hold around my arm.

He pulled out a book and suddenly a noises came from behind the bookshelf. He took a step back , still holding the book.

Suddenly the bookshelf started moving , something happened and the books fell onto the ground , a mountain of dust flew into the air  , which made me cough , the wood of the shelfs started going inside the wall. The sides of the bookshelf slowly started going inside the wall it was leaning against.

Then behind all of that was a door. It must be important , even though they could have just put a bookshelf in front of the door , they probably wanted to make sure that no one found the door.

I then realized that I had not spoken at all. I still had a million questions in my head.

The girl looked at me.

"Open the door."

She asked-no commanded me to open the door.

She let go of my arm , it had marks of were here arm had just been. She had a tight grip.

I slowly walk to the door. I glance at the boy, but he avoided my look and looked straight ahead at the girl.

The only noise that I could hear was the breathing of the two people and my feet slowly hitting the ground.

I wrap my hand around the door handle. I do not know why but I do not feel like this is right. I take a deep breath and as quick as I could I turned the handle around and opened the door.

The only thing I saw was darkness. Even the light that I was in before couldn't help, I felt like I was waiting for something to come from the darkness and take me away , never to be seen again.

Now I realize I was looking at the wrong direction the whole time. Even if something is in the light that does not mean that it is perfect.

I fell forward. Someone had pushed me. The door slammed shut with a loud noise. I fell forward and landed on the ground. And saw nothing. The light was gone. My hands hit a cold metal ground.

I stood up and moved about. Trying to find a door or anything.Suddenly the cold floor underneath me disappeared. I fell downwards. I tried to scream but no noise came out of my mouth. So this is what Alice in Wonderland must have felt like.

I then landed in cold water , the smell of chlorine filled my nose.

I feel a wave of emotion come. Should I be afraid or should I feel safe? I am where I have been for years but darkness still surrounds me.

I then stopped floating and sank to the bottom of the water. I decided that if I was here I should probably save my energy.

I then turned into a mermaid. I then laid onto the ground surrounded by water and unable to even see my hand in front of my own face.

Suddenly a blast of light came , blinding me for a few seconds. Then I heard someone say something. Then must be using a microphone because I could hear them perfectly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls welcome to the freak show , here we have the one the only mermaid."

The voice gave shivers down my spine.

The light was then made to go a bit less because I could see the other side of the glass. Millions of people were there. Staring at me.

I could hear what the other people were saying.

Most of the people said " She is so fake" or "Really , is this real , let me take a selfie."

But there was one person who caught my attention. They were wearing a yellow jacket. It was a little boy. He looked like he was 8 years old.

He tugged on his mothers jacket.

"Why are they doing this Mom?"He asked.

"They are rare and the sea is very dangerous , and we need to know about them."

"What happens if she wants to live in the sea?"

"Who would want to live in a place were anything could hurt them than rather being safe?"

"Are you really sure that the research is not dangerous?"

"Shush honey , you won't understand , you're too young."

The boy then looked at me. He looked sad.

I then heard a noise above me. I looked up and saw a few figures.

I swam upwards.

"Now everyone line up, you can all see her , why don't we get a staff member to give her some food." Said the voice from the microphone.

Then I saw a small bridge leading upwards so people could see me from above as well.

I then swam to the bottom. I looked about at all the people and suddenly felt something. Anger. How dare they trap me here! I felt anger course right through me. I felt my eyes go into an even deeper blue colour.

I then I had an idea. I walked away from the glass and swam full speed at it. There were cracks on the glass. I think I did end up cutting myself a bit because I felt pain. But I won't check , I can't get distracted

I moved backwards again and swam one more times. The cracks on the glass grew bigger and there were more of them.

I moved backwards one more time and then attacked. I think it is about to break.

"Staff members get the mermaid under control, now."

Said the voice out of the microphone.

I moved backwards and flew forwards. Adrenaline coursing through me. It felt like slow motion. My hands moved forwards to hit the glass. Just as I felt my hand hit the glass.

I woke up...

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