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The tiger and the lion may be more powerful ... but the wolf does not perform in the circus.

After swimming for a while, I stopped. I then saw that we were not that far away from the coast but luckily I was not too near, so nobody could see or smell me.

Tom immediately swam upwards to get some air.

I followed him. After taking a few deep breaths he looked about and saw how close to the coast he was. He looked a bit confused and stunned with his mouth a bit open. Well that was not even the quickest speed that I could go to.

I then remembered something while I was looking at my tail, while Tom was taking a few deep breaths.

"Look can you keep a promise?"

"Yes , I am quite a good actor." Tom replied. That is kind of strange but maybe he thought that I said secret. Well lets not waste time thinking about what someone said.

"Okay promise me that you will never tell anyone that I am a mermaid." I have to make him promise this. I can't just let him destroy my plan because I tried saving him and he was a Werewolf.

"Okay , lets go now." He said kicking his legs and moving his arms to start swimming, I think he is in a rush.

"Wait , I forgot something."

"What did you forget."

"I am sorry but I can not trust you , so I am going to have to give you a small curse , it is hard to do but it is very important."

I know I'm probably stupid and I am over exaggerating but better safe than sorry , right?

I grabbed his right arm and put his hand in the water , I then concentrated.

"Si irritum potest hanc veniam tibi haberes."

Suddenly a spark of blue traveled down my arm and through my arm and hit and disappeared into the arm of Tom with no noise. Tom stared at where it had disappeared.

He looked at me confused once again.

"Sorry if you did not understand, I do not really know exactly what I jut said but I think I just spoke in Latin ." I said answering what I think he was about to ask.

I looked at the beach that was quite near.

We then started swimming, I then let Tom go a bit a head of me then I swam underneath the water.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself wearing my bikini , with legs , not very pointy ears and having long black hair instead of blue.

I then opened my eyes and kicked my legs to make me move nearer to the coast. Tom is going so quick , quicker than I thought before , probably because he is used to someone who can swim really quickly and who lived in the water all their life.

After 5 minutes I saw Tom standing up and walking on the beach.

I saw him turning around trying to find me , well me with blue hair and a tail me. He could not find me.

I then walked out of the sea and beside him on the beach. He looked at me then kept on looking at the sea. After 5 seconds he glanced at me again. He probably did not realise that that was me at first glance.

"Hey Tom , lets go find your friends ." I said. Realising his friends may be worried about him.

Suddenly my vision goes a bit strange.I start feeling a little bit dizzy. Who knew that making a small shield with water , turning into a mermaid, then dragging a Werewolf a few miles , and dragging him again , then making a curse and then turning into a human would make you tired.

We looked about for 2 minutes. We hadn't moved we just turned around.

I then looked to my right and saw a group of three people pointing their head forwards , were they trying to find someone by using their nose? I then saw them look at us and they started running , a few more people ran towards us.

I feel my heartbeat quicken. Tom looks at me , he looked confused.

I look at the reflection that was on the sea and I don't know how but I looked paler than before.

I feel my head spin. I feel like my brain is spinning , everything is spinning. My eyes feel heavy.

My heartbeat seems to quicken , am I afraid of something that was coming.

The people started running quicker towards us , no actually Tom.

Why is my head hurting so much? I feel like my head went in a rollercoaster and it kept on spinning meanwhile on a small roundabout that was sitting on the seat.

I then hear a very loud beeping noise , it is going on forever.

I feel my legs weaken.

My body has worked too much and I know it.

Instead of sitting down or telling Tom , I was too tired , I closed my eyes and let  gravity do its job.

The last thing that I heard was growling, that might be my stomach , I have forgotten to eat at all , all day.

Hi there so I saw a few quotes including wolves and I wanted to show you. So here is another one :
"She's a wolf.
She's a wolf with a human mask.
The night eats her up.
And she howls a lower rumble outside of  human audible range but she is fierce.
And she will race the moonlight until she outruns the sunset.

(Chrissie Pinney ).

I think it sound good. Don't judge. Here is another one:

"Don't consider my kindness as my weakness. The beast in me is sleeping not dead.

Hi , sorry I haven't updated in some time. As well I do not know Latin so I just translated the words with google translate. Sorry if you do read Latin and the words are not right.

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