Chapter twenty two

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This song is called 'I was born this way' by Lady Gaga. Skip the first 29 seconds before, I actually quite like the music. And as well thank you all for getting my book to over 400 reads. For some people it may not look a lot but for me it's an accomplishment, and if you want to maybe read my other books, thank you.

I looked at the note on the ground and I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in my pocket.

I check my hood was over my head and then I placed my phone in my pocket.

I look to my left and right and above to see if anyone was looking at me. I see no one around. I then run to the fire escape. I try jumping up to reach it but my fingers only graze the metal.

I got a bin and made sure it was locked, then I somehow and kind of slowly climb onto it, my cape doing nothing, except act like a normal cape.

I stand on the bin, and jump, I reach the ladder.

I start to climb as swiftly as possible, by taking two bars at a time. I reach the roof and stretch out my arms.

A few birds sitting on the roof, flutter their wings and fly away from me, probably surprised to see me, someone who looks like a human, going on the roof that they expected to be safe and away from humans.

I jump and run back to my building's roof. My feet landing on my roof barely making any noise. I walk a step forward and trip over my legs, ow ow ow,  really! Now!

I step forwards and climb down the fire escape to my apartment as quick as I can so that there would be less chance of someone seeing a hooded figure (me) climbing into an apartment.

The window was open but it was only slightly and barely open so that only I knew it was open and no one could go through the window and go in my home.

I put the cape in a bag that I found in a wardrobe while I was looking about a bit for something, what was I looking for again, I really don't remember.

I grabbed the bag and ran outside, my apartment, slammed the door shut and started running, or quickly walking down the stairs.

I quickly run, hearing nothing but my footsteps and my breathing. I then turned a corner, unable to see if there was a person there.

I hit into someone and fall a bit back. Quickly regaining my balance.

"Hey look wh- oh it's you. Hi Serena!" I hear Sam, my neighbor say.

"Hi, Sam, sorry got to go!" I said. Quickly rushing away from him, I quickly rush outside the buildings door and start to sprint.

I pass the loud streets quickly. I see a lot of different people, dog walkers, car and bus drivers, important looking probably business people, joggers, random people walking by and more.

I arrive at the Starbucks, I look at my reflection, fixed my hair and ran inside the Starbucks, I went into the staff room and threw my bag on one of the seats. I grabbed an apron, put it over my head and walked out to see Carla.

"I'm so sorry I was busy." I said to her.
Well I do think that a cape that drags you away might make you busy and scared while you're jumping on roofs.

"Well you're here now. Go and get the customers orders." She said pointing to where I was supposed to be.

I walked to where she pointed at and started receiving the customers orders. The first person was taking some time.

"Umm, can I get the espresso with some sugar, no not an espresso. Maybe a blueberry muffin, yeah I would, no I don't want one, can I jut get..."

They kept on speaking until finally they ordered, guess what? Espresso with sugar, or sugar with espresso, they ordered way too much sugar in that coffee.

I stayed at the counter and received orders from customers for about 30 minutes until I heard a glass shatter
on the ground. I went and asked another staff member to take the counter as no one had probably heard it.

The person who had accidentally thrown the glass to the ground was trying to cover it up by kicking the glass to one corner and when the glass had shattered the music in the Starbucks had mostly covered the noise.

I arrived with the brush and a shovel, dust pan? I don't remember what what exactly it's called. I then sweep the glass on the, trowel?

I put the glass in the bin and walk back to the counter. After 5 minutes I hear another glass shatter to the ground, this is really dangerous someone could get seriously hurt.

I walk to where the blades of glass are lying across the floor, coffee is also across the floor. And guess something else? It was the same exact table.

I walked away and came back with the brush and, shovel, is that right, I don't know.

I clean the glass shards and put them in a bin, then I walked away and found a mop, I cleaned the coffee and cleaned the mop, then once again I went back to the counter.

I then slyly keep my eyes on the table. I stayed there for an hour and they were still here. And guess what I saw after one hour of keeping my eyes one them? One of them was slowly moving their hand towards a glass on the table.

Why were they here for more than an hour and 30 minutes? Actually the real question that I am meant to be asking is why have I slyly, time to time looked at them? Probably because I don't want to fix their mess.

I look at a clock on the wall and see that it was one minute till I was free to go.

The hand for the seconds ticking by, it looked like it was slowing down.

Then as soon as the minute passed by I quickly walked to the staff room and threw my apron off.

"Bye Carla I'm going." I said to Carla quickly. I grabbed my bag and ran out and just as I closed the door I heard a glass shatter. I keep on walking.

I run to my apartment and sit on a spiny chair. I then get out the note and unfold it, the person who wrote it probably wrote it really quickly because it was almost unreadable.

Mermaid situation, in two days.

They had postponed the plan for two more days.

So in three days I'll go to the beach.


The Blue Tailed Mermaid जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें