Chapter twenty seven

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I've leaned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

So yeah also remember this:
Make everything that you say go through these doors:
• Is it true?
• Is it kind?
• Is it necessary?

If what you are about to say doesn't go through these doors then simply don't say them.

I hear a branch snap.

I fall down, coming closer and closer to the sharp rocks underneath the sea.   I look to my left, the group of people looking at me falling from the cliff, they look at me then quickly turn their heads to look at the two people in the center of the semicircle.

I close my eye, and concentrate on my hearing, maybe I can find out who pushed me, but most importantly why? Why would someone push me?

I hear breathing and someone running, I hear shocked gasps, camera's flashing, the water underneath me that is going to hurt me hitting the rocks, the seagulls screaming and a few people talking about how beautiful the sea is, not realizing that that sea doesn't really look beautiful from my view.

I hear a loud shout, it sounded like Marcus, and a few quick footsteps.

I hear the louder sound of the water and wait for impact.

I crash down into the water and immediately I try to swim away from the rocks that I barely missed.

A sharp rock cuts on the top of my shoulder barely but it hurts even more because of the salt going into my cut.

I swim away from the rock and when I knew it was safe I swam to the bottom of the sea, and breathed like a normal mermaid would.

I walk on the bottom the sea and float over everything covering the sand, rocks, animals and more.

My clothes are soaking wet pulling me down, I untie my ponytail and let my hair go with the flow.

I look to my right and  hear a voice, well actually more than one voice, about five. Laughter. Laughter underneath water.

I follow the noise trying to be quit and not use my shoulder too much.

"Jane are you sure we should be here?" I hear a girl say.

"Come on Lucy, you see no one else complaining." Another voice says.

I follow the noise and realize that the people were behind a rock.

I swim/walk around the rock and see 6 mermaids in front of me. There were I think 3 girls and 3 boys.

Immediately I jump behind the rock, why are they here? They aren't allowed.

"Jane, August, everyone! I think we are being watched." I hear Lucy say.

She saw me.

I take it into action and make my feet touch the ground.

"You're just being superstitious, who could be out here?"

"We are, so there must be someone else, I promise I saw someone's hand right there." Lucy says.

"Ok Lucy I'll check but after I see that no one is there promise you won't start taking nonsense again." I hear a boy say.

I stand my ground and wait for the person. 3.....2....1.... And there the person was. I pointed my finger at him and make the mermaid fly towards me. I stop the mermaid and put my hand over his mouth.

"Now tell me why are all of you here". I whisper to him.

"August, are you alright?" I hear a few voices say.

"Look just listen, we never meant any trouble, we only wanted to go near the coast, I promise." The bo-August answered me in a slight whisper.

"August, are...." I here a voice say as five people go around the rock and see me.

"Is.... is that a human?" One of them say.

"It can't be. Why can they breath underwater?"

"Maybe they are half human and half Mermaid?

"How can that be? I mean the garden of Genera is guarded to specifically only let Mermaids come into the garden and choose their stone." Someone else said, well I mean yeah the garden is guarded.

August comes nearer to me.

"My name is Serena and why are all of you here? It's dangerous!" I say. Concern probably written all over my face.

"Well Serena we were just curious about this place I mean-".  The person gets interrupted with their phone ringing.

The person answers their phone.

"Yes mom we are totally fine, bye see you." The person says after taking to their mom on their phone, which was designed to look like a shell, for quite some time.

The person seems to forget me, tells his friends that they have to go and they swim away. His mom probably bribed him or something.

I look at the rocks near the cliff and start to walk quicker away from the rocks while randomly turning my head around to see the rocks.

A few of bubbles and a bit of dust appeared into the water as a rock fell down into the bottom of the sea.

I then look at my cut on my shoulder, it still hurts a lot. I'm loosing a bit of blood and the salt isn't helping.

I look at my trousers and rip part of the bottom off, it was difficult but I was able to do it, I then wrapped the cloth over my cut tightly and looked about once more, I don't really feel like going out to the land just now.

I find a smooth stone underneath the water and just as I sat on the smooth stone I see a flash of black on the corner of my eyes.

I turn to the direction of the movement and another movement happens in the corners of my eyes in the other direction.

I then see something flying at speed straight towards me.

Something hits me and I fly backwards and close my eyes.

I open my eyes and look around for any more unusual movements. I then look at what I was wearing. The cape, it came back? Did Madame Mouspell change her mind?

I look in the pockets and see no note, nothing to tell me why I had the cape.

I then have an idea.

"If you came here by yourself nod." I said out loud and soon after that the cape nodded.

The cape then started bringing me towards the coast. The place where there were the strange people, the people in sunglasses in a semicircle staring at two people in the middle.

I look at the coast and just as my head nearly reaches above water I see a Mermaid in front of me, well half way on the beach and the sea.

The Mermaid was being dragged out of the water.

I knew that Mermaid. I had even warned her myself.


The Blue Tailed Mermaid Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora