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"Have I gone mad?"
"I'm afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are."

Alice in Wonderland

"So are you Serena?"

I heard a voice say behind my. Instinctively I stood up and turned around.

There in front of me was a girl with short blond hair. She had her hand out for my to give her a handshake.

I shook her hand.

"Name's Alice." She said.

"You look hungry , sit down , I'll make you breakfast." Alice said.

I didn't sit down.

"You know what ? Can you show me where the cooking ingredients are , I'll cook for both of us. Do you want some Banana muffins?" I said while slowly walking nearer to the kitchen

Alice looked at me , confusion written all over her face.

"You don't really have to..."

"Well I already got these clothes , it is the least I can do."

"No he told me to cook for you."

"You mean Tom right ? Well just tell him I'm cooking these banana muffins. You want one?"

"If you want you can make muffins...And I would please like two banana muffins please!"Alice shouted. Before I said anything else she ran off as if a wolf was chasing her.

I walked to the kitchen's cupboard and grabbed one big and one small bowl. Then a fork, a mixer , half a banana, a food  weightier, 500g of margarine then 50g of sugar, 34g of self raising flour and an egg. A muffin holder tray and 6 muffin liners.

I mashed the banana and put it in the small bowl. Then I put the sugar and self raising flour in the big bowl and cracked the egg and put it in the bowl. I then used the mixer and mixed the the ingredients in the big bowl. I put the mashed banana in the bowl and used the mixer once again and mixed everything in the bowl again.

Then I put the muffin mixture in the muffin liners and placed the the muffin tray filled with banana muffins in an oven and put a timer on for ten minutes.

I cleaned the equipment that I'd used and got the muffins out of the oven.

Alice still hasn't arrived.

I put them all on a plate and walked through the door of the kitchen. The muffins are going to get cold if no one is going to eat them.

I eat one of them and I got to say they were very good. I had practiced though, this was the only thing I could make. They would not let me cook anything else.

I walk through corridors, trying to hear a noise that would hint someone walking or talking in this house. The only noise that I could hear was my feet hitting the ground. Am I all by myself?

All the windows are closed and the blinds are down. And the curtains are covering the windows. Strange.

I walk with the plate in my hands.

Everything was silent. It was like the house was holding its breath trying not to not make a noise. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting. Then I heard a noise.

Ring ring
Ring ring
Ring ring

A phone. I followed the noise across the house. It hadn't stopped ringing after 5 minutes.

The phone kept on ringing as I followed its noise. I then see a door, the door was only open by a few centimeters.

I knock in the door but the door opened. I walked in.

I put the muffins down on a desk. This must be a study.

The ringing was still going. Should I answer it?

Suddenly I hear footsteps running towards the room I was in. I decide to hide and I run to a curtain and hide behind it.

The person is still running. I grab a can of air freshener and sprayed it about the room. The smell of the air freshener and the muffins must be enough to cover up my smell.

I then put the air freshener on a desk and hid once again behind a curtain.

The footsteps slow down. I stay still breathing through my nose to make the least noise.

"Yes it's me, what do you want?" A deep male voice said. Who is this ? That wasn't Tom. Where am I?

I need to calm down. Everything is alright nothing bad will really happen. I'll just explain everything later.

"So when will we fix the Mermaid problem?"

I heard some other person speaking on the other side of the phone but the only thing I could hear were mumbles. I'm not near enough and what Mermaid problem?

"Okay so the day after tomorrow?"

More mumbles.

"What! You think that there is a spy, we would have already found them, I'm not stupid." The voice sounded angry.

We aren't the problem, I feel like coming from that hiding place and making my hair turn blue and ask him if he wants to say that again, but I know I can't , I have to find more information about how they are going to fix the problem.

"Okay I'll meet you in two days, you better be there!" The phone slammed down onto the desk. Scratch what I said, he didn't sound angry, he was angry.

I heard some angry mumbles.

"Why........ m....... mermaid....... uh........ banana muffins?" He must have found breakfast.

After 5 minutes I heard a slam on the door and footsteps walk away.

I pocked my head out from behind the curtain. He had left. On the plates there were only 4 muffins left. He had eaten one.

I walked to the plate and opened the door. I walked back to the kitchen. With the plate still in my hands.

Alice still wasn't there. Where is she?
I feel alone and I don't like this.

I walk to one of the blinds and move it a bit so that only my eyes could be seen if someone walked by and looked through the window.

I put the plate on a counter and looked through the window.

There in front of me was the beach, it was a lot closer than I expected I could go out of this window and walk not even 2 minutes and be at the beach.

I then see two people. Samuel, you know the mermaid and someone else.

Marcus. The first human I talked to. Marcus is just talking to Samuel. As if it was totally normal to talk to a mermaid.

But the thing that made me freeze still like a dear in the headlight was his eyes, Marcus's eyes, they were staring right at me.

The Blue Tailed Mermaid Where stories live. Discover now