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His eyes stared at me. Emotion was gone from his face. I look over at the mermaid beside him who was as well looking at me after realising who Marcus was staring at.

Samuel looked confused. Well me too. I slowly moved away from the window, I don't know what to do with this situation, and walk to my plate with muffins. I need to eat more muffins. I then look at a calendar on a a wall, the picture above it was a picture of a dog yawning.

"Hey Serena, sorry I had to go, did you just sit here waiting for me all this time, I am so sorry." I hear Alice say from behind me.

I grab a muffin and stay silent. Who was that person on the phone? Were they human? Do the humans already know about Mermaids? Are they going to take us away and trap us in cages and experiment on us? My heartbeat quickens. I need to calm down.

"Are you alright?" Alice said. Putting her hand on my shoulder.

I move way from her.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said to her.

"I know you're lying. It can't be that bad." She said.

Well it is that bad, it could endanger me and everyone else. This isn't something that one person is meant to carry with their own shoulders.

The door opens and there I saw Marcus, he looked angry. Strangely not at me but at Alice.

After 2 seconds of staring at him, Alice walked away, she looked sad.

Marcus looked at my eyes.

"Do you know who I was talking to?"

I shake my head to the side, I'm supposed to be human, I can't know that Mermaids are real.

"That was a Mermaid, I know it may look like a joke or a prank, but this isn't. This is serious."

I stay silent. Acting as if this was far too much information.

"The Mermaids are monsters. They take people from the coast and make them disappear, never to be seen again." He said. I had to stop myself from punching him in the face, Mermaid are not the problem.

"So why were you talking to one?" I asked. No one would talk to someone or something they hate if they had a choice of not doing so, it's like someone being afraid of spiders and just going to someone who has a spider and then petting it. That is not logical.

"He isn't really one of them. He used to be W-human. He used to be a human."

"So how the heck did he turn into a Mermaid?" I ask.

"Someone just found a way too, okay, I already think it is very late. You can keep the clothes and get your box. I'll drive you." He said, well thank you for the descriptive description on what happened to Samuel.

I grab the box and follow Marcus to a car. I put the box down and we stay silent driving.

He looks at me a few times.

I stare in front of me.

After 5 minutes of silent driving I say thank you and walked to my apartment.

In front of my apartment was 2 boxes. Well I'll make a collection of boxes. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls look at the three boxes that I got today.

I look underneath the welcome mat and grab the key from underneath it.

I open the door and push my boxes into the room. I let go of the box that I was holding, the only thing that it had inside was a few clothes. It hit the ground with a loud thud.

I locked the door and looked at the two boxes on the ground.

One of the boxes was smaller than the other. I chose to open that box first.

I opened the box with scissors and found a few syringes, some with liquid, some without.

On the sides of the syringe were labels like 'Sleep' or 'jump about'. They were all so different. There was even a Werewolf syringe.

I put the syringes back in the first box and looked at the second box.

I got the scissors and stabbed the box with them the and then I opened it and inside I found a cape. A black cape.

I looked at the cape strangely. Why did Madame Mouspell give me this? I put the scissors down and picked up the cape to see if there was maybe a note underneath it, there was nothing.

I then stood up, kicked the box to the wall and carried my cape to the bathroom.

I put the cape on and looked at the bathroom mirror.

What was the- what the hell!!!

I got brought out of my thoughts when suddenly the cape moved my arm. I have to put this off. I then try to throw away the cape, try. It would not let me move.

What do you want cape? Suddenly my hands fly sideways and pull me out of the bathroom.

Then I start to spin, I think it's the first time that this cape has controlled someone, well this is the first time that a cape has tried to control me.

Why did Madame Mouspell give me this?

Suddenly the cape moves my hand to get a paper and a pen.

I pu-it put the lid off of the pen and started writing in the paper. It wasn't very good writing but it was readable.

Hello Serena
Madame Mouspell sent me, I am not alive, I just have been put under a spell to sense something. It isn't just the Werewolves disappearing, humans and witches have been more commonly found on the ground with two mark bite marks on their necks. The Vampires are becoming more dangerous and with this cape, you will know when a Vampire is about to eat. But remember always keep your eyes open, Werewolves or Vampires might be anywhere, be careful.

Hi. I haven't really updated in a few days sorry, as well I just made a new book a few days ago, a book cover book, I know that my covers that I have now are not the best but I will actually try making the covers for that book good. As well if you like reading riddles then you have to read Riddles by Gemmasibille .

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