Chapter three

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At sunset I arrived at the rock. Molly came with me. I do not know why Molly had to come with me but she is a good person so at least I got to talk to someone on the 5 minutes trip to go to the rock.

Molly knew why we were going there and all the time in the trip she was talking about the humans and the werewolves. Did you know that some of them throw rubbish in the sea. Why? You can just put it in a bin or if there is no bin then put it in your pockets and if you have fake pockets on your trousers or jacket or dress then get some new trousers or jacket or dress because why would someone wear something with fake pockets? Sometimes people do not have a pocket then maybe just keep it in your hand.

I sit on the rock and look at my tail. Its colour was blue, made so I could hide in the sea better.

I then heard a sound of a speed boat coming. Immediately I jump into the water. It could be a human or a Werewolf or even a Vampire. I have never met a Werewolf, a Vampire or even a human before, I have met a witch though, as you know. I then put my hands in the top of the rock and go upwards. I stop when I was able to see who it was, a bit of my blue hair was showing and my eyes.

"Serena come out. It is me."Said the voice of Madame Mouspell who was in the boat.

I climb on top of the rock and whip my hair away from my face. There was a small breeze coming here. I could hear the music in the cafes and other buildings on the coast with my hearing. I could smell the sea, the smell relaxing my nerves.

I looked at the sun and it was beautiful. The light made by the sun shinning of the sea.The sun was about to set.

"Are you ready Serena?"Madame Mouspell asked me.

"Yes."I replied. I am not going to say no now. This was the most exciting thing that I have done in, probably my whole life.

After the smallest part of the sun disappeared, Madame Mouspell muttered some strange words. I immediately felt strange.

My tail was beginning to change into legs. After 5 minutes I did not have my tail, I had legs. While my blue tail was turning into legs, all of my long blue hair started turning black.

I look at the reflection and saw my ears had become less pointy, I think that's how a human normally looks. I am as well wearing a bikini. Strange. How did I know what that word meant. And why can I not hear the music? Oh I forgot I am human.

"You are going to ask someone where Centre Street is and then look for number 16. It does not have to be someone specific. While you are going there buy some more clothes and a motorbike or a car, a mode of quick transportation. You will receive the money when you go out of the water." Madame Mouspell said to me. (A.N if Centre Street is a real place, I did not mean to do that ).

"You will have to go to the coast by yourself. So then you can get used to using your human legs and people might get suspicious with you coming of the boat that has me on it. I am quite a famous witch."Madame Mouspell said before riding off the speed boat.

Molly was still underneath the water. I put one of my hands onto the rock and slid down into the water. Still holding onto the rock I said:"Molly thank you for coming with me."

I then started trying to swim. I moved my arms like I usually do and randomly kick my legs about. Hopping that it would work. Molly looked at me and smiled and shaked her head at me.

"Your legs have to be in time. One of them kick and the other kicks afterwards. Try it." Molly said.

After that and some more tips I was able to swim. Molly waved to me and then swam of. She was actually quite a good swimmer.

I then started swimming to the sea's  coast. I am so happy that I can breath through water and air. It must be so hard for people who can only breath in just air or just water.

The fish looked at me and they did not want to play with me as much as before. They looked like they were fighting a war inside of them. Should I say hi to a human which kind of looks like a mermaid or should I just ignore her like I do to the human? That is what I think that they are thinking.

I eventually arrive at the coast. I stay on the sand for 5 minutes relaxing my new legs. Then I stood up and fell onto the sand. Ow. That hurt so much. Then I slowly stood up. I then walked slowly to one of the cafes where the music was blaring off of. I think that if I was a mermaid my ears would have been in a lot of pain.

I arrive at the door and go through it. There I saw loads of people dancing. I then saw a person. His hair was black and a little bit dyed blond at his fringe. His eyes were light green. I think that maybe something changed with the lightning because when he saw me his eyes turned a darker colour.

Suddenly I realised that in the 10 seconds that I was in the cafe, everyone had stopped dancing and was staring at me.

"Hey do you know where Centre Street is?"I asked the boy. This is so strange.

"Yeah just go out of this cafe and turn right then keep on walking straight till you see it."Says the boy, everyone still staring at me.

I them thanked him and walked out of the cafe. A few people stared at me and a few people started dancing. I was walking off and then I heard a voice say:

"Hey you what is your name?"The boy shouted out of the window.

"My name is Serena, what is your name?"I asked to the boy.

"My name is Magnus."He said.



I then walked off. The human conversation is strange.

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