Chapter ten

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No apologies. He'll never see you cry ,
Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why .
You're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning.
Now I heard you moved on from whispers on the street .
A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be
And now see .now I see .now I see

As I sing I swing my legs on the ledge of my window side to side and the city somehow quietens down a bit . More cars and people have arrived and stopped and a few of the windows have opened , well why is everyone waiting , this is so strange. I sip on my cup of tea and look at the sea , the sky above the sea an orange/amber colour , the sun had nearly set . This is so pretty . I stay silent for a few minutes admiring the sea , my home for the firsts time from this perspective.

"Hey um girl would you be able to keep on singing ? There are still a few verses left ? "A boy said . The voice was above me . What . The person's head was out of a window, he looked at me as if he wanted me to keep on singing . Kind of strange but I do like that there is at least one person who wants me to continue singing.

He was long gone when he met me
And I realize the joke is on me , yeah !

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Tip you put me down , oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked I
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh , oh ,trouble , trouble ,trouble
Oh, oh , trouble , trouble,trouble

And the saddest fear comes creeping in
That you never loved me or her , or anyone or anything, yeah

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down ,oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
( You were right there , you were right there )
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh , oh , trouble , trouble , trouble
Oh , oh , trouble , trouble, trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble ,trouble , trouble

I stayed silent . Looking at the beautiful view in front of me , this was a beautiful moment . But the reason I was here was not . I know that many people would think that it would be easy to find out what the werewolf 's were planning, it was not easy . I had to find out or maybe a war could start or they are going to do worse like hunt us , and it would all be my fault because I did not find out .

Suddenly I received a vision . I close my eyes .A cat , it was about to fall right in front of me and get itself hurt if I did not hold out my hand to save it .

What is this ? Wait it's a message . Sometimes if a witch is trying to talk to someone and tell them what was about to happen in the future and they were far away they sent messages through their brain , the witch would have to be powerful and sometimes if someone is between the person , the person between them gets the vision too . They could use a computer or phone but it isn't as quick and it shows evidence that they are a witch .

I put my hands out and 2 seconds later a grey chubby cat landed in my arms , it was really cute . I caught it and started stroking it . Meanwhile that happened the boy too had put his hands out to save the cat ,  but the cat fell between his arms . And into mine . It started purring , so adorable.The boy is still above me on his window ledge . He looks at me then at the cat . He shrugs , and jumped off the window ledge and climbed down the ladder to the level I was on .

" Hi my name is Sam . What's yours?" He asked and held out one of his hands out for me to shake , I look at his hand for ten seconds and shake his hand.

"Serena." I replied.

"Really , both our names begin with a s what a coincidence." He said . I nod and keep on stroking the cat.

"Look , I know I have like just met you but are you free tomorrow, I can show you about the city and introduce you to a few friends , you are new to the city aren't you ?" He asked .

"Well I'm not busy tomorrow so yeah , thank you ." I replied to him.

"Thanks for agreeing, I will show you around the place maybe do you even want to go for a swim, shall we meet at the entrance of the building tomorrow at 10 O'clock?" He said .

"Ok I'll meet you and I'll bring my swimsuit , just in case ." He looked at me , then smiled , he then climbed up the ladder and went inside his window .

I did not have an idea with what I could do with this cat . I decide to bring it in the house with me . I close the window and with my pajamas on , I walk out of the door with the cat in my arms . It did have a collar but the only words written on it were the words 'hi ' and it had a small bell so it would make a noise and it would t be able to kill a bird .

I walk door to door , knocking on each one asking if the cat was theirs or if they someone who had that cat . I walked and knocked and asked for about 1 hour when I was at the top floor and asked and a frantic looking woman came and opened the door . I asked the question and she saw the cat and the cat jumped out of my arms and landed on hers . She then slammed the door shut loudly . Rude !

I walk to my apartment and close the door . I am kind of excited for tomorrow. I make sure all the locks are locked and I go to a deep sleep .

Thank you for reading , I hope you like this book .

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