Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning a little later then I thought I would. The clock read 11:00. I was bundled in the blanket Louis bought, and I didn't wanna move because it was so soft. Eventually though I had to pee. I got up and walked into the bathroom attached to the room. I looked in the mirror at myself, and I looked like a freaking mess. My hair was disheveled, my eyes had bags even though I slept for a long time, and I probably smelled.

I looked depressed.

I finished my business and walked to the bedroom door. I wasn't sure if I should walk out, but then I remembered I did last night and I was fine. Louis might be a creep but I believe he's not gonna hurt me. I opened the door.

When I got to the to kitchen, Louis was already ahead of the game, pouring blood into containers. He noticed me right away. "Hey you're awake, I was just about to come wake you," he said. I sat down at the island. He handed me a water bottle, that of course wasn't filled with water. I drank mine significantly faster then he drank his. In fact he didn't drink all of his before he put it down. The smell was really bothering me. I started to kick my leg to distract myself but it didn't work. "A-are you gonna finish that?" I asked. Louis smirked, "no, go ahead." I didn't refuse the offer, and drank the rest of Louis' drink. He was still smirking at me.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. I wiped my mouth, "fine." For some reason I was holding back on talking to him, when I actually had a shit load of questions to ask. I kept telling myself I should just ask him.

Cmon just do it.

"Uh, Louis? Can I ask you something?" He nodded, "of course, you can ask me anything."

"Are-uh, are we dead?"

I think that question hit him by surprise, because he raised both his eyebrows. "I mean, not completely. Technically we are half dead, but also half alive. Our organs still work, just slowly." I nodded. It took me a second to gain enough confidence to ask him another question. "And, is it true that vampires don't grow older?" My voice was quiet. Louis nodded, "yup. We'll remain this age forever."

I wanted to know everything there was to know about being a vampire. I'm sure if I didn't ask I'd find out eventually, but I wanted to know everything now. "Do we have like, powers?" I asked. Louis laughed a little, "in a way, although we don't have individual powers like superheroes. We can compel humans to do whatever we say, but we can't compel each other. We also can run up to speeds I cannot even comprehend, and have enhanced strength. All of our senses are heightened as well; taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, everything. Oh, and we can heal ourselves, rather quickly may I add. But we can't fly, my pal Liam was upset when he found that out. We also can't turn into bats or grow wings, sorry."

My jaw dropped. I was slightly joking when I asked that, but turns out Louis wasn't. "Is there anything else?" I asked. Louis nodded. He went on to tell me about all the wonders of being a vampire, including the facts that we don't burn in sunlight, and it's rather hard for us to die. He also addressed a ton of untrue, movie made facts about vampires. "We don't sparkle, that's just stupid. Also we obviously DO show up in mirrors, and photos for that matter. We don't sleep upside down, or in coffins, and we don't have to be invited into places unless it's a holy place of worship. Not that'd we go to church anyway. Also crucifixes don't burn us, and garlic doesn't scare us. There's this ancient plant witches used called vervain, that actually can burn us, but that's it. I mean, we aren't living in some 1950's, cult horror fantasy world, or a Stephen king novel for that matter. Dracula really made an image for vampires, but a lot of that shit isn't true."

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