Chapter 1 - Taken and "Hired"

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Matt Bomer as Henry Kingston

"You sure this is the one?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing... it's just, he didn't put up much of the fight back there."

"I don't care, once he's been through Vyincourd, he'll put up with any fight."

I slowly opened my eyes. Darkness. What the hell? I was still dazed and the smell of chloroform still lingered around. The last thing I remembered was a couple of guys trying to kidnap me. Shoot, I began to panic, What do they want with me? A ransom? I tried to struggle out of the clamps that held my arms and legs to the chair. Bad idea. Suddenly, a sharp, masculine voice pierce the silence.

"He's awake."

I froze. Shit! The man pulled off the blindfolds from my eyes and instantly, the bright morning light blinded my vision. I blinked a few times to adjust, and when I finally came to my senses, I saw two men standing in front of me. One was Asian... maybe Korean? And the other was Caucasian. Both were dressed in black suits and looked really classy; they didn't seem like the kidnapper type. But then again, looks were always deceiving. I stayed silent, mostly because I was scared. Saying the wrong thing, or even anything, might just get me killed. I looked down.

The tall, Asian man began pacing back and forth. I could feel his cold, hard glare still fixated on me. I quickly caught a glimpse of the other kidnapper looking at the floor. Clearly, this Asian guy was in charge here. My throat was dry, I was sweating, I must've looked like a patient with a fever or something. There was a moment of tension, then, the Asian man took out his phone and looked at it. He nodded to his partner and looked back to me.

"Henry Kingston." He asked in a sharp tone.

I didn't move or speak. Fear seized my body and froze it. The man raised his eyesbrows.

"Kingston." He repeated again, this time more tight.

I managed acknowledge the man with a quick nod, though t must've looked more like I was shivering for no reason...

"My name is Simon. Agent Simon Lok. This..." He pointed to the other man, "is Agent Alexander Dalton. Please, don't be afraid. We're not here to hurt you."

Neither his words or these clamps were reassuring, but I nodded only for the sake of living. In this situation, I'd comply to whatever they say as long as I survived.

"Now, Henry, as much as you're frozen with fear right now, I want you to listen carefully. What I'm about to say to you might seem impossible to understand but bear with it. You've been recruited to the Enterprise."

I spoke shakily, "Wha- What does that mean? I don't know anything!"

Dalton, the guy who was quiet the whole time, chuckled. He looked like he was my age, maybe a bit older. He took out a file and began reading off of it, "Henry Kingston, age twenty. Attends Halcyon Medical School majoring in biology and planning to become a surgeon. Grades are pretty high, pretty fit.... You were an orphan at a young age. Mother died of a car crash, never saw your father, adopted by your aunt and uncle. You are perfect material for an Enterprise agent."

I still had no idea what they were talking about. What Enterprise? And what does agent mean? Like traveler' agent. Insurance? Let me go! "How do you know all about me?" I asked mustering up all the courage I could.

Simon removed the clamps off of my hands and feet. Then, he tossed them aside and grabbed a rusty chair to sit on. "The Enterprise is a National Secret Service working to protect and to serve. We go against the worst of the worst threats. And today, a special day for you, you're being recruited as an agent."

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