Chapter 16 - In Pursuit

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Andy On as Shen Zhang

"Coast is clear, you guys can move."

"Copy that." Trying to look as casual as possible, Samantha and I walked into Halcyon Medical School. Nostalgia and memories flooded my head as strolled into the heart of the campus. I remember how Lilly and I use to sit by the small lake behind the school and watch the sunset or the time when Lauren and I decided to prank a couple freshmen by taping Nicolas Cage's face everywhere. Oh, the good old days.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Samantha exclaimed, "You used to go here?"

I nodded, "Yep, sweet place."

The campus hadn't changed much. The only differences were the increase of greenery and a new ophthalmology building in the west wing. Fortunately, the university was located on the other side of town, away from the gangs and drugs. Otherwise, I wasn't sure if we'd be walking here right now.

The campus was a ghost town which shouldn't come as a surprise since it was summer. As for those who took summer courses, they would be in class currently so I didn't have to worry much about being recognized. Besides, it's been four years, most people who knew me should've graduated. And as the last line of defense, our masks made us unrecognizable.

"Man, out of all the places in the city they could've hid, a college campus?"

I shrugged, "This would be the last place we'd expect them to hide."

It was also familiar territory to Tommy.

The tracking device was leading us to a very strange location, the West Field dorms. We jogged through the Lincoln Commons, a large grassy hang out area situated at the heart of the campus, and ran towards the dormitory cautiously monitoring our surroundings. If one gunshot rang through the campus, the entire Halcyon police force would be here.

"How's your forehead?" I casually asked Samantha mainly to see if she's fit to fight.

"It's healing," Samantha rubbed her finger over the bandage and winced a little, "But I should be fine, thanks."

I nodded as we quietly hid behind a row of bushes. The sniper quickly scanned the building and in less than a minute, she had the statistics down. "If I observed correctly, the target should be in that dorm." Samantha pointed at the window three stories up and two to the right, "From what I see, three guys guarding the main entrance and two guys at the roof. The interior is unknown."

"Alright." I tapped my earpiece, "You got that Blake?"

"Got it." Blake confirmed, "Victoria's gonna take the ones on top and then enter the room from the window. Everyone else, take the main door. And remember, do this as soundlessly as possible. Clear?"

Everyone got the message. This was going to be a challenge; it meant we had to strike down the enemy before they got a chance to aim. Samantha unzipped her jacket revealing an arsenal of knives that were hidden within. She plucked two out and rubbed the blades together. I, on the other hand, was not as talent as the sharpshooter so I took out a pistol.

Samantha rolled her eyes, "Henry, this is a stealth mission. If you use that, you might as well dial 911 right now and tell the cops what's about to happen."

I raised my index finger as a sign for her to wait and took out a silencer. Samantha chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. Suddenly, we heard a faint grunt from the roof. The two guys who were standing there a minute ago were no longer to be seen. Instead, a masked, feminine figure stood confidently holding a blade, dripping with fresh blood in each hand. That was our cue.

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