Chapter 22 - Broken

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"No, no, no!" I shouted running over to her. Victoria collapsed onto the floor clutching her stomach. "Get me a towel!" I shouted to the others as I ran over to our fallen leader.

Shen ran up next to her shaking, I've never seen in him in such a state. "Victoria, look at me. You're gonna be fine."

Her eyes drifted around slowly, almost devoid of life. "Hunter!" I bellowed. Duke stumbled down the stairs with a thick towel and fumbled it to me. Quickly, I unstrapped her bulletproof vest and pressed the towel against the wound and applied pressure; Victoria groaned in pain.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Call an ambulance!" Shen ordered.

Duke took out her phone and was about to dial when Victoria's hand gripped the Legend's arm. "Stop." Victoria gasped, "Don't. You'll expose the Enterprise."

The Enterprise? The agency should be the last thing on her mind right now. She was dying for god's sake!

"This is not time to think about the Enterprise! We need to get you help!" Shen shouted.

Victoria shook her head weakly, "Listen to me, the Sicarii should've have gotten far. Catch up to them, find Vikrum, and kill him. If he's dead, the Sicarii goes down and the mission will be complete."

She coughed some blood out. My heart was torn. I was a qualified doctor, I've dealt with critical injuries, yet I could do nothing to help her right now. Victoria Lance: one of Enterprise's best operatives, a deadly assassin, the agency's longest living field agent; she was supposed to be immortal. Suddenly, rapid footsteps drummed the wooden floors. All of our guns were pointed at the hallway the noises were coming from. If these were more Sicarii members, I was going to shoot the hell out of them.

They weren't.

Our techie and our analyst sprinted into the room already stunned with the destruction of the house. But as soon as they saw the condition Victoria was in, their expressions were beyond horrified.

Shen placed his hands on her cheek, "Victoria! Talk to me!"

"What happened?" Blake demanded.

"Sicarii." Samantha responded, "They came for the nuke but when they couldn't find it, they took the civilian, Lilly--"


"We fought as hard as we could, but they came in full force." Our sniper said, "And Victoria..."

I pressed on the wound but it was no use. She had lost too much blood. Victoria must've known this because there was an expression on her face. An expression I've never seen before: hopelessness.

Zhang furrowed his brows, "Victoria, screw the agency! This is about you! We can't lose you!"

Victoria stayed quiet and looked Shen in the eye; it was like a silent exchange between the two of them. Shen didn't say a word, as if he understood what was inevitable.

"Of all the times I've been shot, this one actually hurts a bit." Victoria chuckled and looked at Hunter, "Even worse than the one in Tucson."

Duke weakly smiled back, "You sure? That one's pretty hard to compete with."

"Yep." Victoria nodded but winced at the slight movement, "It'll even give your scars a run for their money Shen." Our Legend laughed but it only came out as a sob.

"Victoria, you're going to be fine." Shen assured with a tear running down his cheek, "I still owe you for taking a bullet for me, remember?"

"I- I..." Her eyelids fluttered.

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