Chapter 5 - Eight Hours to Burn

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Andy On as Shen Zhang

***** 4 years ago *****

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the two sons of bitches."

I walked into the dorm room and parked myself on a vacant spot of the lower bunk. As people settled in and began unpacking, I could hear a group of boys mocking me. I avoided looking at them and began to organize my stuff. Suddenly, a pair of hands smacked onto the upper bunk railings. I slowly looked up; standing in front of me were five guys. One of them stepped forward. He was obviously the alpha of the pack. The dude had biceps of a professional boxer demonstrating that he clearly worked out. He smiled at me; it wasn't friendly.

"That was a heck of a show you put up back there." He said. I instantly felt my throat close up, "Wow, don't even acknowledge us huh? What's your name smart guy? It better be something good 'cause otherwise, we'll just call you pussy." The guy teased with his buddies laughing in the back.

I guess this is what bully feels like. Even though I was a anti-social nerd back then, no one ever bothered me. When I began dating Lilly, I was respected so I never actually understood the true meaning of intimidation. When Poli yelled at me, it was normal. The relation between the colonel and I was equivalent to a teacher's and student's. It wasn't oppression but more of a difference in authority. Here however, the relation between these group of boys and me was the same. So, for the first time, I felt what it was like to be harassed.

His friends laughed and the dude kept going, "What's the matter man? Why don't you talk?"

I clenched my teeth. I didn't know if I should reply or stay silent. Responding to them would certainly lead me deeper into the pit. One in which I wouldn't be able to escape. But saying nothing would only irritate them. Both options were equally unfavorable. I could feel the boy getting impatient. To evade further talk, I avoided eye contact which proved to make things worse.

"Oh! Won't even look at us now huh? You were so tough back there, why you acting like a pussy now, pussy?" The dude snapped, "Where'd you learn how to fight like that? Your mom's yoga class?"

My eyes flared as I heard that insult. Furious, I jumped up and glared at him with a vicious look on my face. The dude's smirk quickly morphed into a deadly expression and stared right back at me. "You finished yet?" I said sharply.

The dude shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe if you teach me some of your mom's yoga, then I'd be finished. Better yet, let me put a bullet in your head."

I raised my eyebrows, "Please, if I needed to kill myself, all I'd have to do is climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ."

The silence of the room instantly turned into a mixture of suppressed giggles and gasps. Even the alpha cat's buddies cracked a smile. The dude looked around; obviously, he was losing grip in this fight. He growled and glared back at me. "That burned. But will it burn as hard as this one?" Suddenly, he smashed his fist into my hip. I shouted in pain and back away. The dude glowered at me and shouted to his buddies, "Teach this guy a lesson!"

A hurricane of fists and kicks engulfed me as I fell on the floor. Despite of the chaos, I caught a glimpse of Blake being beaten as well by another group. They were targeting the two of us... As a fist landed on my neck, a high pitch ring echoed through my head. Everything began to shimmer. I didn't how long I was down but what I do know was that another guy stepped in and stopped the beating. I was lifted up and placed on my bunk. While the pain subsided, I could make out some of the dialogue.

"It's over! You proved your point, now stop it!"

"Proved my point? I suggest you step aside, otherwise, you'll end up like this bitch."

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