Chapter 6 - Playtime's Over, Now We Work

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(Michael Ealy as Blake Kerpan)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Los Angeles International Airport. The local time is 06:23pm and the current temperature in L.A. is eighty degrees. The two shooters you're looking for have checked into the Atlas Hotel an hour ago. Captain Howard also reminds you to, as I quote, "interrogate the fuck out of them before killing them." In addition to that, he informs you that you'll be on your own once you arrive in L.A. That means no transportation or backup will be provided. Again, we will be descending shortly, thank you for still keeping the plane intact.

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a tug in my stomach from the plane descending. I looked over to my left where Eva was sleeping soundly. Careful not to wake her up, I adjusted my arm, which her head was resting on. Unfortunately, I accidentally slipped her head. Eva's head slipped on to the pillow and she bounced back up.

I smiled at her, "Good evening sexy."

She smiled back, "Evening."

"We're about to land." I notified her as I felt the plane descended another couple a hundred feet. Eva nodded cuddled besides me. She rubbed her hand around my chest. I rubbed my cheek on Eva's hair and kissed her on the forehead. We stayed cuddled for another few minutes before the analyst got up and brushed her hair.

"That was amazing." Eva said referring to our little sex session, "We should do it way more often, partner"

I buttoned my dress shirt and smiled at her, "Oh, definitely partner." I straightened the bed so our quickie would be left unnoticed but the juices of our session betrayed us. I sighed and flips the blanket to the other side.

Shortly afterwards, I felt the plane hit the runway. We were officially in L.A. Eva kissed me before leaving the cabin. I stayed behind to gathered my stuff, before walked out. The others were already walking down the jet bridge and towards the waiting area. All except Duke who was splashing his face with water in the bathroom and Samantha who was gathering her files. Closing the suite's sliding door, Duke slapped his hand on my shoulder.

"Yo Henry!" He said excitedly, "Relaxed now?"

I made a face, confused to what he meant, "What?"

"I'm talking about sex with Eva!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied.

Duke let out a chuckled, "Ha! Come on dude, you and Eva were in the room for nearly seven hours. What else could you guys have done."

"Yeah, we fooled around in."

Duke laughed and gave me a high five, "Yeah! That's my man." I smiled and patted him on the back. Duke jogged out the jet with his briefcase in one hand and a bottle of Vodka in the other. I walked into the lounge and greeted Samantha.

"Hello!" I waved.

Samantha grabbed her black briefcase and walked out the jet with me. "Hey! How's it going?" She responded.

"I'm pretty swell! You?"

"Eh, ditto. I'm just a bit sore from the jet lag."

I looked at her, "Jet lag? Eva's suite was vacant though. You could've slept there."

"Eva's room was empty?!" Samantha's mouth dropped; I nodded."Wow...Well, speaking of beds, how did your bed feel with Eva on it?"

"Let me guess, Duke told you?"

Samantha giggled, "The other way around. I told Duke."

"Jesus Christ..."

The sniper shrugged, "I mean, everyone saw Eva slip into your room. So we all knew you two had sex."

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