Chapter 23 - It's Not Vengeance, It's Justice

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Greetings earthlings! I realized that the last time I had updated the story was back in 2017, and reading through the previous parts, I decided to finish the script. Parts of my writing style may have changed since it has been two years already, but nonetheless, enjoy! :)


"They don't know what'll hit them." Shen growled under his breath as he sped through a yellow light.

I unzipped the black duffle bag and let the firearms and stashes of ammunition spill all over the van's floor. Only the simple weapons called for me and I cleared the labyrinth of rifles for the blade at the bottom of the pile. Strapping the dagger to my ankle before covering it with my pants. Then, I secured the loaded pistol to my belt and glanced at the window for a location check.

"Take a right after this intersection." I told our driver, "We should be entering Halcyon's west gate."

Duke popped a piece of gum into his mouth and he loaded his assault rifle with a forceful slap. Residue from the smoke and the dirt in the warehouse painted his face like camouflage. His usually mischievous smirk was now replaced by a tensed jawline and furrowed brows. His eyes, full of vengeance and intensity, met mine; the gunner nodded knowing full well what we were going to face as well as the consequences involved. "Whatever happens, you save your girl and you get the codes out of there. Do not come back for us, got it?"

I held back the tears that began to form in my eyes and cleared my tightening throat, "Yeah." I croaked nodding at Duke and Shen, "Got it."

I tightened my grip onto the briefcase and thought about Eva, Blake, and Samantha. They were not going to forgive me and I knew that from the moment we clashed. Victoria didn't deserve this, and the injustice Rachel went through was unwarranted. Lilly was not going to be the next casualty. The Sicarii were going to face judgement, and it started with Tommy and Vikrum.

The famous Halcyon double tower arch loomed over our van as a light drizzle of rain began to drum on the windshield. "Here." I ordered bringing the vehicle to a stop and pointed the short tunnel way connecting the two cathedral-style buildings. "That's the exchange point."

"He said?" Shen asked scanning the layout of their battleground.

"No, I know." I responded sliding open the door and stepping out. "He wants me alone, you guys take up firing positions. As soon as we exchange, we'll kill them. We'll kill them all."

The rain pelted me as I stormed into the building and towards the Oakmont bridge, which connected Oakmont North and Oakmont South. Let's end this where it all started.

The Oakmont bridge. It was the first place Tommy and I had caught up with each other after years of separation. It was the first time I saw Lilly as she was walking to class with Lauren. It was the first laugh shared by Tommy and Rachel after she nearly spilled her coffee on him. The Oakmont bridge allowed us to acknowledge each other's presence in some way, and now, it would be the last time we do so.

He was standing at the end of the short building connector with nothing in his hands, but I could see the butt of the pistol sticking out from underneath his jacket. "I've got eyes on the bastard." Shen whispered through the earpiece. I stopped at the other end of the bridge and the two of us stood face to face studying each other.

"The case." He demanded without a sense of humour.

"Lilly." I replied back in an equally stern voice keeping the case in my grip.

Tommy clenched his jaw and popped the joint in his neck. As if that was the cue, two Sicarii dressed in black military gear with their faces covered with balaclavas hoisted the girl in purple into the bridge. Tommy forcefully ripped the duck tape from Lilly's mouth and a red mark slowly appeared around her lips. "Walk." Tommy commanded pointing his gun at her.

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