Chapter 21 - Ambush

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(Chris Pine as Tommy Smith)

I adjusted my thick-rimmed glasses and sat patiently gripping the envelope. There was nothing more nerve-wracking than being at the Enterprise HQ in D.C. And there was certainly nothing more intimidating than seeing Sebastian Kane, in the flesh.

I wiped the sweat off of the back of my head as a brunette walked past me. Her clothes were tattered and stained with blood, her face was covered in dirt, and a burnt smell followed her footsteps. Our eyes met for barely a second and instantly, I felt threatened. Not a lot of things scare me as an agent. After almost dying a dozen times, I'm safe to say that death and I have become great buddies. The only person who could truly terrify me is Kane, up until now. Her stare was stone cold and emotionless. Each stride she took released a new wave of danger. There was something odd about her though. Behind those piercing black eyes was an emotion that contradicted her appearance: loneliness.

Even more odd was how closely she looked like Samantha.

As she approached the doors of Kane's office, the two guards stopped her. "Hold it there madam, you can't enter yet."

The brunette slowly tilted her head up and with an icy tone, she spoke, "I'm speaking with Kane."

"The Chairman's occupied at the moment. Make an appointment first, then come back."

The brunette ignored the guards and took a step. Instantly, the guards gripped her shoulder in attempt to hold her back. Without a warning, she grabbed an arm and twisted it. I swore I heard something pop. Then, to the other guard, the brunette brutally punched him inside out. The two men collapsed on the red carpet floor as she kicked open the doors.

"What the-- ELIZA! What is your problem?!" Kane's voice echoed through the corridor.

"What is this?" Another voice demanded.

There was a moment of shuffling, then, I heard, barely, Kane speak, "I'm so sorry director, would you give us a minute?" A woman, possibly in her sixties walked out of the office closing the doors behind her.

I sighed knowing that I'd have to wait possibly another hour before seeing the Chairman. However, the brunette marched out of Kane's office a few minutes later. Her expression was even more menacing than before.

"Report back to Delta Foxtrot One-One immediately Eliza!" Kane bellowed vibrant with anger, "Do not make this personal!"

The brunette flipped the bird to the Chairman and disappeared into the elevator. I guess I should've been surprised since no one has ever talked to Kane that way but right now, I had a more serious issue at hand.

"Agent Kingston, Mr. Kane would like to speak to you now." The receptionist informed me. I thanked her and walked into Kane's dungeon.

"Close the door behind you please." Kane ordered me; he was clearing still fuming about that brunette, "Take a seat."

I did what I was told and faced the mastermind behind the Enterprise. I gulped silently and tried to stay calm even though every part of me wanted to retreat.

"Why are you here Kingston?" He knew damn well why I was here.

"I'm here to turn in my letter." I said throwing the envelope on his desk.

"I'm sorry?"

"My resignation letter, I'm leaving."

Kane chuckled and looked around, "So you quit?"

I nodded firmly, partially pissed off that Kane wasn't taking this seriously, "I'm leaving the Enterprise. Lilly and I will disappear from the radar, not leaving a trace of the Enterprise with us if that's what you're concerned with."

I'm Not Special, I'm Just UnluckyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant