Chapter 9 - To Halcyon We Go

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John Barrowman as Sebastian Kane

**** 4 Years Ago ****

"Luther Keith!"


"Juliet Charlie Zero-Six."

"Yes sir!"

I fixated my eyes on the bastard and his two henchmen standing behind colonel Poli. If I could, I would have taken the pistol from the colonel and ended the asshole's life. But then again, I would have to deal with his bodyguards; and that wouldn't be fun.

The rays of the scorching sun burned my skin, my throat felt as dry as the Sahara, it was one of the worst days to be outside. As if they intended for us to suffer, this agony only intensified my resentment towards him. This agony intensified our resentment towards him. Although I didn't look back, I could feel the sixty pairs of eyes glued towards the jerk with hostility.

"Henry Kingston!"

I stood up straight and slammed my heel onto the ground, "Sir!"

"Sierra Alpha Nine-Nine."

"Yes Sir!"

By the time everyone was assigned a squad, my shirt was drenched in sweat. My throat was so parched, breathing became a difficulty. But as soon as Poli introduced the man, my pain subsided and hatred overwhelmed my sensory neurons.

"It is my honor to introduce Sebastian Kane, head of the Enterprise, and his two secretaries, Simon Lok and Alexander Dalton."

My blood boiled just hearing his name. Calm down. I balled up my fists and clenched my teeth. It's been a whole year since he recruited me and I haven't seen him until now. Kane looked about the same as he did a year ago: same expression, slightly increased muscle tone.

"... to protect and to serve. Welcome to the Enterprise, agents." On that note, Kane walked off the platform and boarded the helicopter before flying away.

"Agents!" Poli bellowed. My attention snapped back to the colonel. This was something new. The colonel never called us with the respectable titles. It was usually 'cupcakes' or 'maggots', never 'agents'. "It has been my pleasure working along side with you," he said choking out pleasure, "But your mission doesn't end here. If anything, it begins here. Your duty, to protect and to serve the United States of America!"

"Sir yes sir!"

"Good." Poli smiled; it was only the second time we've ever seen him smile. The colonel's face hardened once again, "Move out!"

Saluting the colonel as we jogged towards our helicopters, I couldn't be more glad to leave this place than anyone else. Living anywhere else in this planet was better than living in this shithole for a year. Camp Vyincourd. Satan's playground.


"Damien Abraham Vikrum, one of the FBI's most wanted criminal. Before disappearing two years ago, he was involved in human trafficking, arms dealing, and selling drugs. He was also the head of some mafia group." Blake explained showing us a picture of our target.

Just by the looks, Vikrum looked like a man of power. His stare was filled with an immeasurable ray of determination. His complexion was a mixture of intellect and savageness. A perfect villainous complexion including his bald head. Our target didn't have a prominent built but despite of his lack of build, it made him look very agile. His fingers were filled with rings containing different types of gemstones.

I tightened the grip on my gun, "That doesn't explain why he would be in Halcyon City. Or if he's behind all of this."

"Hey, I'm only stating the facts. We don't even know if he's in Halcyon City or not."

I scowled and leaned my head against the window. Night had already fallen and the stars were visible in the almost deserted freeway. A car would drive by us every now and then but they were usually cargo trucks. Halcyon City was the last place on Earth I would want to go to given my status. Since it was such a small city, dare I say town, everyone knew each other very well. News traveled like wildfire. It was one of those places where people's kids were going to end up marry each other or something. Needless to say, if I show my face in public, everyone would recognize me. But that was the least of my problems. I could get emotionally attached again, like last time...

"Henry, you alright?" A hand rested on my shoulders gently.

I bit back my nervousness and smiled at Eva, "Yeah, I'm good."

Everyone else in the van was too busy analyzing and digging up any news of Halcyon City, no one paid attention to Eva and I.

Eva bit her lips and tucked a strand of her blond hair behind her ears, "Henry, I've known you for three years. I know when you're fine and when you're not."

She placed her palms on my cheek and looked at me in the eye, "Are you thinking about her?"

I didn't need to ask who she was referring to. Of all the years I've been working for the Enterprise, Eva was the only one I shared my past with. Not even Blake; he only knew bits and pieces of my past but not enough to finish the puzzle. I looked back at Eva; she certainly didn't want me to repeat what happened the last time I came back. Neither did I.

I exhaled a bit louder than I intended to and nodded glumly, "I don't wanna go back and become attached to my old life again."

Eva nodded understandingly. She gave my shoulder a firm squeeze and from there, we rode towards Halcyon City.

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