Chapter 7 - Kidnapping the Fugitives

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Channing Tatum as Duke Hunter

"Duke! Earth to Duke! Get into position!"

"Blake, you have to try these sausages they're giving out! They're so good!"

"We have two fugitives to catch and you're eating sausages? Get into position!"


I chuckled and adjusted my earpiece. Typical Duke; always hungry, always joking. I looked over to Blake who was rapidly pressing keys on his laptop. Then, the radio crackled and Duke's voice sprang up. "Duke here, in position."'

Blake grabbed the radio and spoke into it, "Copy that. Samantha, you there?"

"In position."

Our hacker looked at Eva and me and nodded. We got out of the van and walked to the lobby of the hotel. As soon as we got out, a thick blast of heat overwhelmed me. It was eight o'clock and the sun was almost down. This was usually when the streets were filled with people. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my bloodstream. I opened the door for Eva and we both entered the lobby. The hotel was nothing fancy. It was more of a one night stay type of hotel. Perfect for a temporary rest.

There were two elevators opposite to the main entrance. To the left was a restroom sign and a flight of stairs which I assumed led to the second floor. On the right side was the check-in desk with a man behind it. Eva smiled and nodded to the man at the counter as we walked towards the elevators. The employee nodded back but his smile faltered.

"Umm, excuse me!" He shrilled. Eva and I froze and turned back.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Are you two staying at the Atlas Hotel?"

I looked at Eva with a cautious expression. Judging by her face, she was not expecting this either, but she quickly regained her composure and quick talked. "Yes! My husband and I are planning to stay in L.A. for a day." She quickly leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked over to the counter. The employee brightened up and smiled, "Excellent! At the Atlas hotel, we offer rooms for ninety dollars a night, this includes free..."

Eva nudged me and gave me a look which clearly said, 'Move on, I got this.'

I nodded and spoke quickly, "Sorry to interrupt but is there a restroom I may use?

The man nodded understandingly, "It's to the right over there by the flight of stairs."

I thanked him and patted Eva on the back before making my way to the restroom. While Eva had the employee occupied, I swiftly ran up the stairs. I tapped my earpiece: "Blake, status update, Eva's dealing with a civilian in the lobby, I'm on my own. What's the room number?"

"Room 217... you can handle this on your own?"

"I got this."

"Alright, Samantha's on an apartment roof opposite to 217. However, the curtains are closed so we have no idea what they got stored in there."

"Well, if they're staying in a local hotel, they wouldn't have much firepower on them. Also, one of them's injured."

"True... just stay cautious."

I put the face mask on and drew out my guns. The hallway so silent, even my breathing could be heard. As I walked past 215, I heard a loud moan followed by 'fuck me baby!' I smirked and continued walking. As I neared 217, I suddenly needed to come up with a plan on how to get in. After a few seconds on contemplating, I decided to use the oldest trick in the book.

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