Chapter 4 - Target: Two Nutheads

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Adrianne Palicki as Victoria Lance

I haven't been to the Enterprise Meredith HQ in months and I was actually looking forward to it. Looking forward to see the base of course, not to hear about whatever the Captain had to tell us. The Meredith HQ was actually one of the nicer bases; it was located in a small town and was surrounded by nature. There were Enterprise bases many big cities such as New York City and San Francisco; these were known as Anderson Enterprises to the public, a reputable financial company, but we knew better. The "offices" in Manhattan were actually intelligence gathering stations. Meredith served as a retreat for us agents, it was a place to call home since many agents returned here after their missions were completed.

"Anyone know where Zhang and Samantha are?" Eva asked as the limousine sped past a UPS truck.

Blake shrugged while his eyes were still glued to his laptop, "I heard they were tracking down some hit man in Florida. But that was about two weeks ago."

"No," Victoria chimed in," They finished that mission ten days ago. I think the Captain sent them to Washington or something."

Samantha Starr was our team's sniper. On the outside, she might seem like an innocent blondie but on the inside, she was a lethal deadshot. With our star sniper having been paired up with the Legend, small cases like these were just a stroll in the park.

Each of us had our little specialities which contributed to a functional team. Victoria Lance was usually the leader since she was the mastermind behind all the plans; however, Shen Zhang would compete against her for that position at times. Given that both were top dogs of the Enterprise, their arguments would sometimes turn into brawls. The way Henry saw was that Victoria was the more reliable leader and Shen was a rogue agent who would only speak up when the situation needed to be revived.

Duke Hunter was equally loud spoken but was on the opposite side of the spectrum. Whereas Victoria and Shen were serious, Duke loved to joke around and was always energetic which made him a fun person to hang around. On missions, he was a high caliber agent and with the additional of his size (he spent a lot of time working out), that made him perfect to be a field agent. Samantha Starr could be found with Duke most of the time. Since she was the team's sniper, Samantha had to make sure the coast was clear for Duke to charge in. In the house, they were usually screwing each other in the bedroom so the pair became inseparable. Samantha's bubbly personality was perfect for Duke's enthusiasm.

Blake Kerpan, on the other hand, was more intellectual. As our techie, Blake was responsible for accessing any unauthorized data, gathering intelligence, and researching which was ironic because before he entered Camp Vyincourd, he didn't even know how to operate a computer. In a short time of four years, he was fluent in hacking and coding. As smart as he was, he also had a short temper and Duke would constantly trigger him just for the fun of it. If Blake and Duke was ever assigned on a mission together, I was certain they would eliminate each other first before eliminating the enemy.

Eva Clinton, similarly, had very technical skills. She was an analyst. Any information given to us was memorized by her and she usually worked very closely with Victoria to map our plans. It helped that she had a photographic memory. Out of all the people on the team, Eva was most logical and reasonable. Her opinion mattered greatly, sometimes even overtaking Victoria's commands. Last but not least, I was the team's medic. I guessed two years of pre-med in Halcyon University helped the Enterprise determine that they should train me further in surgery and wound patching. I didn't mind it, I was good at what I do and bullet wounds were very common on missions.

Each one of us was vital to the entire team. Each person's skills were indispensable. Don't get me wrong, each individual was capable of taking out designated targets when operating solo, but when working as a team, some tended to stare at screens or monitor on rooftops more often than those who had to sweep the grounds.

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