25: a handful of quotes

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Yes guys. Us Irish have quotes, mostly father Ted. The quotes are perfectly acceptable to use in the right way. Like, you can't be saying it's gorgeous out today and then saying that would be an ecumenical Matter. Without further ado, let's get into it. Every single person in Ireland loves Father Ted, but what separates the hardcore fans from casual ones is their ability to remember, dwell and perfectly imitate particular lines, and how they're delivered. Granted, even the people on Rugged Island know quotes like "Down with this sort of thing (Careful now)", "That would be a ecumenical matter", and "The money was just resting in my account", but what about the real niche stuff?

1) get them feckin crunchies out of the car

2) bye Girls. Pair of wankers

3) Adios Ted

4) You were up on an 80 year old man, riding him around and whipping him for 60 minutes

5) Larry's tremendous fun

6) you wouldn't find Hitler playing jungle music at three o clock in the morning

7) sure I wouldn't know. I'm from Donegal

8) wellthatsthebusinesslikeyouknowwhatimeanyouknowinandoutthedoorandgiddyup!

9) flipper the priest

10) good luck with the book

11) how's the son

12) Fuckin hell

13) ah, he was brilliant

14) milk gets sour, you know. Unless it's UHT milk. But there's no demand for that because it's shite.

15) you're a fine young fella

16) god it's lovely out

17) if you ever try to bullshit me like that again, I'll rip off your arms.

18) Arsebiscuits

19) I'll be off then padre. Off on my rounds.

20)  That money was just resting in my account.

21) I love my brick. (Still a better love story than Twilight)

22) That's mad, Ted.

23) Shoddy workmanship, that's what it is.

24) Feck, arse, drink, girls. ( throw in big bras, knickers, gobshite or feckin birds for an extra laugh)

25) Which one do you prefer, Oasis or Blur?

26) You're going on my list of enemies (Along with anything Fr Noel Furlong, aka, Graham Norton) said ever.)

27)  Looks like rain, Ted.

 28) Doesn't Mary have a lovely bottom? (Of course, they ALL have lovely bottoms.)

29)  Go on, go on, go on, go on... (its better to just accept it)

30) Careful now/Down with that sort of thing.

31) You were wearing your blue jumper.

32) These are small, but the ones out there are far away."

 33) Is there anything to be said for another mass?

34) Who would he be like? Hitler or one of those mad fellas?

35) Cowboys ted, a bunch of cowboys.

 36) I'm no good at judging the size of crowds Ted, but I'd say there's about seventeen million of them out there.

 37) That would be a ecumenical matter.

38) I've had my fun and that's all that matters."

39) I love cake. (or I have no willy... or again, everything uttered by Eoin McLove).

40) Spider-Baby- It's got the body of a spider, and the mind of a baby.

41) It's Ireland's largest lingerie section' I understand."

42) We're all going to heaven lads, wahey!!"

43) i hear you're a racist now, father

44) you'll address me by my proper title, you little bollocks

45) ride me sideways was another one

46) Rats/ Hairy Japanese bastards

47) the Chinese! A great bunch of lads

48) Pat wants to put his massive tool in my box ( thats what she said)

49) it has cocaine in it. Oh no, not cocaine, what am i on about? What do you call them? Raisins

50) no, we want to die of thrist

51) tis my money. I just didn't want to fill out the forms

52) no Dougal, medical tests. Sure, what would he know about that

53) they invented gayness

54) Feck this and feck that. You big bastard. You big hairy arse, you big fecker

55) fuppin backstard

56)  was it collect twelve crisp packets and become a priest?

57) bishops love sci fi

58) im so so soooorrrryyyy

Christ almighty,  i could go on and on😂

Honourable Mention

And finally... we had to throw an honourable mention to My Lovely Horse. Not exactly a quote, but once you get this song in your head, it never leaves.

Btw, is anyone else scared to go out to the irish countryside at night because of that fuckin banshee? Same

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