Chapter 6.2

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Sana pov

"Yoongi oppa wanna go my room? To discuss about some stuffs not anything else arraseo? I'm making it clear."

"Okayyyyyyyy" He said with a small smirk. 😏😏

So we discussed on what to do for our date tomorrow.

He said we should go to the beach for idk why and I suggested to do couple henna so one half on me the other half on him which we can match.

"Yoongi oppa we can do the henna first then go to the beach at later so it will be more cooling and we can have our dinner there like a picnic!" I said feeling smart 😎

"And we can cycle after eating!!" he said.

"Erma oppa idk how to cycle 😬😬😬😬😬😬"

"It's okay we can do the two people bike so both of us is on the same bike cycling and I will sit in front in case u can't cycle at least I will be cycling both if us" He said.

"AWWWWW SO SWEETTTTT!!!!" The others teased us.

And yes we went into my room without closing the door aishhhhhh how foolish of us. But at least he's romantic so who cares

Dahyun pov

I went to get water from Sana unnie's kitchen and got back seeing Sana unnie talking to Yoongi oppa and they're having a blast so I went to the room where all of us where at and told them about that because Sana unnie did not close the door. When we were right outside we heard then talking about their date.

"It's okay we can do the two people bike so both of us is on the same bike cycling and I will sit in front in case u can't cycle at least I will be cycling both if us" Yoongi oppa said.

And BAMMMM we teased them "AWWWWW SO SWEETTTTT!!!!"

Yoongi pov

Sana and me had nothing to talk about anymore and we knew if we went back to that room we will get teased so we decided to stay in her room with the door closed to prevent anything. Once bitten Twice shy. (A/N: Yall got the once bitten twice shy joke?)

While staying in her room she showed me her make up and routines to get me used to when we are living together. I appreciated her initiative. She also told me about somethings that I should take note of when she is on her period.

Let me see if I can remember them properly.

1. Massage her
2. Give her heat packs
3. Give her Milo / Nescafe mixed with Milo / Nescafe which is not hot but warm
4. Talk to her about anything she likes
5. Compliment her (Jimin told me that)
6. Give in to her
7. Do whatever it takes to make her happy
8. Get her her pads! If she runs out if pads buy it for her

That's all I guess... Oh wait there is a few more

9. If she asks you to leave her alone just do it
10. Bring her Mos burger corn soup or canned corn soup with a little black pepper.
11. When she is pmsing you need to know so you won't get hit by her

She also told me how long her periods will last which is about 7 days to 9 days but the first day cramps will be there and always give her her heat pack.

Sana pov

So I briefed him about my period because I feel that if I'm getting married to him he definitely needs to know about some stuffs to avoid being hit on my pms

And we did something I did not expect.. We had our first kiss.. Well I'm not sure if it's his first kiss but it's definitely mine.

So after kissing I asked him if that was his first kiss and he said yes.. Phewwww

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