Chapter 2

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As usual Rachel was ready and was waiting for Sophie. "Sophie Ella Mason hurry up we are going to be late for school" Rachel shouted up the stairs.

There appeared Sophie at the top of the stairs she was just like Rachel in every way. With her shoulder length auburn hair in lose ringlets that bounce off her shoulders. Her big bright bambi eyes looking down at her tie as she was straightening it.

"Come on Soph. Eddie is already in the car."
"I'm coming mum."Sophie replied as she ran down the grabed her bag and followed her mum out the door to the car where Eddie was waiting.
"Soph what were you doing up there?" Rachel asked.

"Just looking at some photos of Lucy and Me it was two years ago today that she died mum."
"I know darling let's get to school before we are late.

Rachel,Eddie and Sophie drove through the school gates and pulled up into their usual parking space. Just like normal the car park was empty and they were the first people been quiet and distant the whole way to school which was unlike her. Rachel knew that it was,because two years ago to day Lucy died

"Are you ok Soph." Rachel asked

"Fine." She snapped as the got out the car and ran into school clearly upset.

"What's wrong with her Rachel?" Eddie asked concerned.

"It was two years ago today that Lucy died Eddie." Rachel replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.m
"Oh Rach I'm sorry come here." Eddie then hugged Rachel as she started to cry.

After Rachel had calmed down and stopped crying her and Eddie made their way into school and headed to Rachel's office.

It was lunch time and Sophie had not seen or spoken to her mum since this she thought that she would go to her mums office and apologise for the way she acted this morning, because at the end of the day today was hard for her mum as Sophie got to the anti chamber of her mums office. She saw Bridget.

"Hi Bridget is my mum in there?"

"Yeah I think she is you can go in and see her if you want she seemed pretty upset earlier."
"Ok thanks Bridget.''

Sophie knocked lightly on her mums office door and waited for her mum to allow her to enter.

"Come in" Her mum said in a whisper

Sophie entered the office and took one look at her my she was curled up in a ball on the sofa in the corner of her aulburn hair a mess. Her eyes were all red and puffy. She looked like she had been crying for hours. Sophie took one look at her mum and felt a wave of guilt wave over her as she knew that she was partly to blame.

"Oh hi Soph" Rachel said sadly with out looking up,because she knew it was her daughter.

"Hi mum I just wanted to say sorry for the way I acted earlier. I know that this is a hard day for you two and I was childish and selfish earlier." Sophie replied sheepishly.

"Come here baby it's ok I know you will find today hard. I know you blame yourself as much as you like me to think that you blame Bolton for Lucy's death''

Sophie walked over to her mum and curled up on her mums lap and sobbed until she falls asleep.
Rachel I need you to sighn these doc..u..ments. Eddie calls as he walks in to the office.

Then he stops as he see Rachel curled up asleep with Sophie curled up on her lap then covers them both with a blanket and kisses them both on the forehead and leaves the office quietly. Eddie sees Sophie like the daughter he never had.

Sophie's Dream:
"Hay Luc do you want to come out with me and Bolton tonight?''

"Yeah why not it beats revision."

"Is mum ok with as goin out Soph? Lucy asked

"Yeah she is fine with it, because it is Friday, but we have to be home by eleven."

"Oh ok then let's go." Lucy replies

Sophie and Lucy make their way to Boltons house where he will be driving them to the party that they are going were driving along. then blot on turned his head to ask sophie where a bouts this party was and he hit a lorry.

"BOLTON watch out!" Sophie shriked as they hit the lorry.

They were all taken to the hospital by abulance Bolton and Sophie seemed ok where as Lucy had been hit the worst by the they all arrived at the hospital and Rachel and candiece were called. Rachel rushed over to Sophie and said

"Are you ok Sophie I was so worried when I got the call I am never letting you out of my sight again." Rachel cried

"I'm fine mum just a broken arm and a few cuts and bruises that's all. Lucy's not ok though loook."
Rachel looked over to where the doctors and nurses were checking Lucy over and it did not look good.

"Miss Mason I am sorry to say that Lucy has got multiple internal injuries and has suffered a major head injury. To the point where she has slipped into a coma and it is unlikely that she will make it through the night."

"Oh my god!" Rachel whispered as she made her way over to Lucy's bed.

"Luc please wake up sweetie I love you and I need you baby girl please wake up sweetheart.
Then the monitors beside Lucy's bed bleeped
"I need to see my sister and tell her I'm sorry. I did not mean what I said I was just angry" Sophie screamed at the nurse and doctors that were stopping her getting out of bed.

However it was to late because the monitors around Lucy's bed started bleeping and Rachel was pushed away while they tried to restart Lucy's they failed and a few Mintues later she was preanounced you could hear in that hospital room were the quiet sobbes of Rachel and Sophie.

"Noooo." Sophie screamed as she woke up
"What happened sweetie." Rachel asked in a panicked voice

"I had that dream again mum." Sophie cried

"what the one where Lucy dies darling."

"Yeah that one."

"Oh sweetie come here shall we go home."

"yeah mum I think we should."

I will just go and tell eddie we are going and to meet us at home while you get your stuff together." Rachel said leaving her office wondering what had happened between her daughters before Lucy died as although they went out together that night they were not really speaking to each other before that. She could just not get the feeling that something had gone one between them as why else would Sophie want to apologise to her sister.

"OK mum see you by your car in a few Minutes" Sophie replied wishing that she could tell her mum what had happened between her and Lucy, but she was worried after she told her she wouldn't want to speak to her again.

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