Chapter 3

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The first month of the spring term was coming to an end. Sophie had not been feeling well for a few days now. She kept getting a temperature,tummy pains and she kept being sick. It was the lesson before luch on a friday and Sophie was in english with Tom Clarkson. She was sitting next to Sam and Lauren. When she felt a stabbing pain in her stomach.

"Sir can I go to the toilet please?" Sophie asked

"Yeah of cause Sophie just be quick ok." Tom replied

"yeah I will thanks sir." Sophie made her way to the toilets. She made it there just in time before she was sick in the toilet. After she had finished being sick. It was lunchtime so she slowly made her way to lunch.

After lunch she had drama with Izzie clarkson. Sophie was very fond of Tom and izzie. They were both great friends with her mum and Eddie. Sophie slowly walked into drama she was pale and she looked really ill. She had her hand on the right side of her stomach, because it hurt so much.

"Sophie darling are you ok?"Izzie asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine miss"Sophie whispered in pain.

"Ok if your sure."Izzie says still not convinced

It was halfway through the lesson and the class were in little groups of four or five doing a scenes where their teenage children came in late from a night out and they are cross with them. Sophie was in a group with Chlo,Maxine,Sam and Lauren. Their group was doing really were all looking forward to showing the rest of the class. It was their turn to show the rest of the class their scene. The class really loved their scene.

However about halfway through their scene Sophie cried out in pain and collapsed on the floor.

"Sophie are you ok?" Chlo asked a bit panicked

Izzie rushed over to where Sophie was lying on the floor in agony.

"Sophie sweetie are you ok? Talk to me honey."

"Yeah I'm fine."Sophie cried weakly

"No your not and your clearly in pain. You've also got a temperature. Izzie replied as she felt Sophie's forehead.

"Chlo go and get Miss Mason and Mr Lawson quickly please." Izzie told her daughter.

"No please miss don't get my mum or Eddie I mean Mr Lawson." Sophie said panicky.

However Chlo had already gone to get Rachel and Eddie. Chlo run into Rachel's office luckily Eddie was there two.

"Chlo is everything ok? You seem a bit panicked." Rachel asked the young girl.

"yeah I'm fine. It's Sophie she collapsed in drama and my mum told me to come and fine you and Mr Lawson miss." Chlo said rushed and out of breath.

"Oh my god." Rachel said as she rushed out her office down to Izzie's drama room with Chlo and Eddie following quickly behind.

As they entered Izzie's classroom there was just Tom and Izzie on the floor next to Sophie, because all the other kids had gone home. Izzie was by Sophie's head stroking her hair.

"Oh Soph what's wrong sweetheart?" Eddie asked

"I don't know my stomach hurts and I feel hot and keep being sick dad." Sophie cried

"OK let's get you to the hospital Soph and get you checked out." Rachel told Sophie

"All sorted Rach I called an ambulance and it's on it's way." Izzie told Rachel.

"No mum, dad I don't need to go to hospital." Sophie cried.

"I know your scared Sophie, but we need to get you checked out." Eddie said soothingly.

Sophie look at me baby I promise it will not be like last time. Rachel replied.

Why what happened last time Rachel? Tom and Izzie asked in unison.

"Last time Sophie was in hospital was the night Lucy died." Rachel told Tom and Izzie.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived and Sophie was taken to the hospital with Rachel and Eddie close behind.

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