Chapter 8

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Chapter Text

Rachel, Eddie and Sophie arrived at the waterloo road and Rachel parked the car in the usual place. They then made their way up to Rachel's office where Sophie would stay all day.

While Rachel did work and Eddie went to lessons.

Rachel had been doing paper work for most of the day. However she still felt like the pile of paper work was getting bigger and she could not wait for the lunch time bell to go.

When the bell did go she told Sophie to go and meet her friends and go and get some lunch. Rachel then took a walk around the school.

She then came to the cooler and had a great idea. Rachel entered the cooler to find that there was nobody in it for a change. She then put her plan into action. She got her mobile out of her pocket and rang Eddie.

"Hi Mr Lawson."

"Hi Rach has something happened?"

"Yeah actually it has can you come down to the cooler please?"

"Why are you ok." Eddie asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, but please Mr Lawson could you come down to the cooler I will explain when you get here thank you. Oh and it's Miss Mason in school." Raxhel replied sternly.

5 minutes later Eddie had got to the cooler

"Rach what did you want there is nobody in here." Eddie Said Confused

"Mr Edward Lawson its Miss Mason in school." Rachel replied in her head teacher voice

"Sweetheart you're scaring me now I never called you Miss Mason in school."

"Edward Lawson sit down this instant I think that you need to learn some manners and that is not how you speak to your head teacher."

Eddie sat down at the desk just like he had been asked.

"Now I think that you need to be punished for not getting up this morning don't you?" Rachel asked as she put some lined paper in fornt of him.

"Now I want you to write I must get up when I am told and not disobey my head teacher while in school. 500 times please."

"But Rachel sweetheart ....

"It is miss in school. If you don't start to follow the rules then I will made it 700 lines instead of 500. Is that clear?" Rachel asked Eddie sternly

"Yes Miss. Sorry miss"

It was nearly the end of lunch and Eddie was getting board

"Miss can I go now? I have a class to teach next lesson." Eddie lied

"No Edward you cannot go, because you have not finished your work and you have a free lesson next, because I checked." Rachel said sternly as she finished off some paper work.

It was coming up to the end of the day and Sophie was wondering where her mum was because she had left the office just before lunch and had not returned which was over two hours ago.

So when the bell went Sophie made her way to her mum's car to wait for her mum and Eddie. On her way to the car park she spotted her mum in the cooler with Eddie. However she was confused, because there was nobody else in there. Also Eddie looked like he was writing lines. So she went and investigated. As she was just about to go into the cooler She saw Tom and Izzie coming towards her.

"Hi guys"

"Hi Sophie sweetie is everything ok are you feeling better?"Izzie asked

"Yeah I'm feeling a lot better thanks. Do you know why my mum is in the cooler with my dad and why he is writing lines?" Sophie asked

"No sorry Sophie we don't but shall we go and find out?" Tom asked with a grin on his face

"Tom don't go and cause trouble like a child." Izzie told Tom

"No don't worry about it Izzie it will be fun." Sophie told

Sophie, Tom and Izzie Entered the cooler without Rachel or Eddie knowing.

"Oh dad you been naughty is that why you're in here? Is it, because you would not get up this morning." Sophie asked Eddie windindg him up while Tom and Izzie were laughing behind Sophie.

"Oi be quiet you will get me into trouble you know what your mum's like." Eddie told Sophie "You two stop laughing I'm already in enough trouble as it is." Eddie told Tom and Izzie as he through paper at them

"I heard that Edward and stop throwing paper before I make you write more lines. Sophie, Tom and Izzie do you want to join Eddie in the cooler for being cheeky and disruptive? Rachel asked
Um no thanks. They all replied

Well I am not waiting around here I am going to go home. I will see you both at home when you have finished mucking about. Sophie told Rachel and Eddie.

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