Chapter 9

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Sorry about the late update - also the next few updates will not have any holby/Berena in them. Although I have put this under the holby city category this fic will have more waterloo road in but the sequel that I have planned (in my head) will have a lot more Berena in it.

Anyway sorry for the ramble I hope you enjoy chapter 9

The summer was fast approaching and the Lawson/Mason family was very excited about this, because in just under a week they would all be in Florida. Rachel and Eddie had been together for about 8 months now.

So Rachel, Eddie and Sophie pulled into their normal space and Sophie got out of the car and went over to Bolton, because they were back together now, Sophie had told him she had been silly in blaming him for Lucy's death.

So she had apologised and they were back together. Much to Rachel's delight, because she liked Bolton and she knew that he made Sophie happy.

However Eddie was not sure, because even though Sophie was not actually his daughter he saw her as his little girl. So he was not sure about her getting a boyfriend even though she was sixteen.

Sophie and Bolton were kissing in the playground when Eddie, Tom, Rachel and Izzie walked passed

"Oi put him down you don't know where he's be." Eddie told Sophie

"Oh dad Stop mum tell him."

"Oh come on Eddie it's cute."

"Yeah wells she is too young to have boyfriends" Eddie told Rachel

"She's seventeen Eddie."

Don't worry about it Rach Tom's the same with Chlo and Mika and Mika is almost nineteen ."

"I am not Iz."

"Yeah you are only the other day you were telling me that Chlo was too young to be with Donte."

Rachel and Eddie had left Tom and Izzie and were making their way up to Rachel's Office.

The bell for first lesson went and Eddie went to teach year 8's maths and Rachel got on with some paper work.

It was second lesson of the day and Eddie had year 12 for maths and it just so happened that Sophie was in that class. This was perfect, because Eddie needed to speak to Sophie at the end of the lesson.

As the bell rang for break and Sophie was just packing her things away. Eddie came up to her and asked if he could have a word.

Once everyone had left he closed the door and Sat down at his desk and Sophie stood opposite it

"Soph your ok with me and your mum aren't you?" Eddie asked

"Yeah of Cause I am I think it is great to finally have a dad that cares about me and my mum just seems so happy with you."

"That's good, because I was going to ask your mum to marry me. I just wanted to check that it was ok with you first."

"Oh my god yeah that is fantastic. When were you thinking of doing it I was thinking of doing it in the staffroom at lunch so if you want to come down at the beginning of lunch then I will do it then."

"I was also thinking that I could formally adopt you and then you could change your name form Mason to Lawson. Then we would be a proper little family."

"Yeah that would be great." Sophie said as she hugged Eddie.

"Not a word of this to your mum ok"

"Ok I promise."

The next two lessons seemed to drag on for both Eddie and Sophie and when the bell finally rang for lunch they both could not wait to get to the staff room.

Rachel as usual was absorbed in paper work. So she did not even notice Eddie come in.

"Hi Rach"

"Hi Eddie how are you?" Rachel asked

"I'm fine I was thinking maybe we could go and have lunch in the staffroom today instead of having it in here."

"Oh I don't know Eddie you know I don't like going to the staffroom."

"Please Rach" Eddie begged

"Oh ok then"

So Rachel and Eddie made their way to the Staffroom. Unknown to Rachel that Sophie was just behind them and would be joining them. Rachel went in and Eddie said that he would be there in a minute. He waited for Sophie and they went in together.

"Miss Sophie Mason this is a staffroom and I do believe that you are student." Grantly told a very excited Sophie

Give a rest Grantly I told Sophie to come her ok, because it is a very special occasion.

Why Eddie what is the occasion? Rachel asked confused

Eddie got on one knee and said

"Well Rachel Mason the most amazing women in the world. What can I say apart form the fact that I Iove you from the moment I set eyes on you even though we fought a lot then I found out about Lucy and I knew we had something in common we had both lost a child. Also my darling you have another amazing daughter Sophie and I would love to be a part of both your lives. So would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"Of cause I will Eddie." Rachel said almost in tears because, she was so happy.

"Eddie it worked I can't believe you got my mum to marry you now we can be a proper family."

"Hang on Sophie knew about this? Rachel asked confused"

"Of cause she did Rach I checked with her if it was ok first."

"Also that is not the best bit is it Soph"

"No it's not dad I can I tell mum the next bit"

"Cause you can sweetheart"

"Well mum Eddie said he wants to formally adopt me then I can change my name to Lawson and we can be a proper family."

Oh that's just great darling. Rachel said as she hugged Sophie.

Many people came to congratulate the happy couple.

However all to quickly lunchtime was over and everyone had to go to lessons.

So everyone said that they would have a proper celebration in here after school. When the final bell went Rachel, Eddie and Sophie made their way to the staffroom Bolton, Chlo, Donte, Mika, Brett, Maxine and Janeece were also invited to join the party and they all partied way into the night.

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