The Fall Ball.

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"Darling you look wonderful!"

"Thank you mommy." Nash says with a big smile, and it was a real one.

She was excited for the dance.

Her, Grayson, Jesse, and Melanie would double date tonight.

Melanie and her were now closer then before-in fact, they were good friends.

Melanie was drop dead gorgeous and everyone knew that- Grayson knew that.

Grayson confessed the night before the dance he liked her and since Melanie had no date, Nash volunteered Grayson.

"Wow my daughter's all grown up." Mr. D'Martinez grinned, hugging Nash by the shoulders.


Everyone got in their places before the golden water fountain before Nash's home.

Cameras flashed in Nash's eyes, capturing the moment forever.

"Alright now James and Nayeli."

"It's Jesse." Nash corrects, looking up at him with a small smile.

Jesse places his arms around Nash respectfully, smiling into the camera.

"So cute! Melanie and Nayeli now!"

Everyone got their pictures before getting into the big black limo.


"Gray.." Nash whispers into his ear in front of the punch bowl.

"If you do anything tonight..with Mel..just b-be careful please. You know what can happen."

"She's way out of my league. There's no way she wants to fuck me." Gray whispers back, staring at the beautiful curly haired girl.

"Gray you're so handsome. Half of the female population in NYC would."

"Whatever. Go hang out with Jesse. He's been staring at you all night."

"Fine." Nash says, walking away from her brother and towards Jesse who sat uninterestedly in their table.

"Wanna dance?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Jesse didn't even get a chance to respond, Nash grabbed his hand and pulled him in the middle of the dance floor.

Jesse's hands were on her waist, eyes staring into hers lovingly.

"I really like you."

"Shhh I like this song." Nash dismissed his comment, laying her head on his chest softly.

Zayn watched them from the chaperone's table angrily.

His heart wrenched with jealousy and hatred, and he had no idea why.

His girlfriend was right beside him, in a short black dress but he didn't care.

All he wanted to do was talk to Nash, dance with Nash..and kiss Nash.

She looked so beautiful, in a golden colored dress that reached the floor.

Her hair was down and her makeup was done to perfection.

Zayn watched scornfully as the song changed to a fast song.

She jumped and danced and laughed with Jesse Styles, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Babe are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Zayn asked, taking a big gulp of his Whiskey.

"You look mad."

"Wait right here, Heather. I'll be back." Zayn commanded, standing up and going into the dance floor.

Zayn was beyond angry.

Jake was pressing his body against Nash's, pinning up against her.

Nash finally noticed and started scolding him, a blazing anger in her eyes.

She couldn't defend herself and Jesse wasn't there, he went to the restroom.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zayn snapped, tapping on Jake's shoulder.

"What's going on?" A tall boy with angry eyes asked, gripping Nash out of Jake's hands.

"Nothing. Just leave, all of you." Nash said, eyes glued onto the floor.

"Yeah, you heard her." Jake smirked, wrapping an arm around Nash's waist.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed, trying to push her off him but failing.

"Leave. Now." Mr. Malik said sternly, making Jake roll his eyes.

With the middle finger behind his back, Jake left the 'Fall Ball.'

"Are you okay?" Grayson asked Nash, "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner."

Grayson gave his little sister a hug, chin resting on her head.

"I'm fine, Gray. I swear." Nash promised.

"This dance is for students of LAC." Zayn said, maintaining eye contact with Grayson.

A wave of jealous coursed through his veins, chocking him.

"He's a night student..this is my brother, Grayson D'Martinez."

"I'm Zayn, Nash's guidance councilor."

"It's nice to meet you, sir."

"The honor is all mine."

"Zayn." Heather's voice rang from behind him.

"I'll see you on Monday?"

"There's an after party at the Marina. Everyone will be too out of their minds to even care if a teachers there." Nash whispers into Zayn's ear.

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