While You Were Sleeping.

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Heather passed away in her sleep.

It was peaceful for someone who was fighting cancer.

Zayn was absolutely devastated.

He took a week off of work and just moped around in his home, patiently awaiting for Nash to visit him.

"What do you think people will say at our funerals?"

"By then I will have messed up every relationship I've made so..no one will be there to talk bullshit about how great I am. What about you?" Nash asks, leaning against Zayn's shoulder.

They were sitting on the stairs of Zayn's home, crying together.

Zayn's fiancé died, and with her a piece of Zayn died.

"Ill die like twenty years before you and you'll forever hate me for being a  child molestor. The parents who live in my neighborhood will be glad the predator is gone."

"That's not true. Besides..I'm almost eighteen, not a child."

"Just the fact that you think our relationship is okay proves that you're still a child." Zayn mumbles, taking another gulp of Bourbon.

"Zayn stop moping around so much." Nash says, ignoring his crude words.

"I'm sorry my girlfriend dying doesn't benefit you," Zayn snapped.

"The funeral is tomorrow so don't stop by. I'm praying for the entire day."

"You're Muslim, right?"

"Yes. You're Christian, right?"

"Mhm..." Nash nods.

"Does that mean you're staying chaste?"

"Hahaha are you crazy? Haven't you heard the rumors?"

"What rumors?"

"Talk to any football jock and they'll tell you about my killer blowjobs-"


"I'm kidding, but hey I got emotion out of you. You've been so..numb recently. And I totally understand why. I just miss my bubbly, romantic Zayn." Nash says, pressing a kiss to his jawline.

She kissed intricate lines across his jawline, helping him the only way she knew how.


"It was romantic..he kept asking are you okay are you sure the entire time."

"Nash how old is this guy?"

"Nine teen," she lied to her best friend.

Mel and Nash were in Nash's bedroom, gushing over the details of her first time with the "mystery" guy as Mel liked to call him.

It clearly wasn't her first time ever, but it was her first time with Zayn so it was definitely special.

"Can I come in now?" Jess asked, knocking on the door to Nash's bedroom where the girls were changing out of their uniforms.

"Yeah, come in."

"Wow.." Jesse stood there, dumbfounded and with an adorable grin on his face.

"Stop gawking at my sister, dude, it's creepy." Grayson said as he walked in, taking Melanie's hand into his.

"Are you ready?" Jesse asked, staring into Nash's pretty eyes.

Her outfit was pretty revealing, exposing her toned stomach and cleavage.

But Jesse believed in chivalry.

And that the good man wins in the end, the better man.

He had faith his and Nash's time would come when they were wiser and better.

"Totally. I'm so excited for the party."

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