Someone Else's Man.

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"Mel I think I like someone..."

"Jess!? Yes finally!" Mel's eyes illuminate, a pretty grin on her face.

"No..not Jess."

"Oh..." she frowns lightly, "then who?"

"You don't know him." Nash lies, "...he's someone else's man but I really like him."

"Nash.." Melanie scolds softly, hints of disapproval highlighting her already pretty face.

Melanie Rivera was a walking goddess.

Five foot seven with curly hair that reached her bum, and a pearly white smile.

Her eyes were a caramel color naturally but she wore green colored contacts.

"No I know its bad and I wont do anything complicated." Nash reveals, running into Louis Vuitton.

"You've been through so much shit, I really hope he turns out different then the rest." Mel says honestly.

She knew some things, minor things, from Nash's life.

"Not every guy is bad yknow...Grayson's pretty chill." Nash adds, trying on red high heels.

"He is but he's..I like him but my heart has been broken so many times."

"Grays different, you know that." Nash tried, elbowing Mel softly.

She sucked at comforting.

"That's what they all say, sunshine."

"Just give him a chance, you won't regret it." Nash tried, her pretty brown eyes boring into Mel's honey colored ones.

Their souls connected, their friendship was one of pure understanding and trust.

Neither of them ever judged each other too much, it was just teasing.

It was a shame that they hadn't met earlier.

Maybe things would've been different.

|Trust Issues Z.M.|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora