'Dont let me go' Part One.

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"Zayn-fuck I'm so sorry I had no idea!" Nash gasps, covering her agape mouth with a tiny manicured hand.

Her eyes were glued to the ceiling, not daring to look a nude Zayn in the eyes.

Zayn had a slight smirk on his face before leaving the bedroom, walking into the bathroom to change.

"I'm really really sorry." Nash says, looking down at the floor in shame.

A light blush graced her lips, frown lines also present on the masterpiece that was Nayeli D'Martinez.

When he thought Nash couldn't get better,

She brought him a Big Mac, large fries, and a coke.

"It's fine. Thank you for the food and..everything. I really appreciate it."

"What goes around comes around, right?" Zayn gave her a confused look, a one sided smile on his face.

"You saved me now I help you." She rushed out, explaining what she meant.

"Saved?" Zayn smirked, hand on her thigh.

Her breathing spiraled into oblivion, his touch stimulated goosebumps along her porcelain skin.

"I wouldn't gotten into a lot of trouble if you hadn't called..my dad's eased up a bit now. He's convinced it was the neighbors who called."

"Yet you have scratches still." Zayn frowned, "No..Nash please. Please don't tell me you.. God I'm so stupid."

Zayn's eyes were now glossy as he grabbed her tiny wrists, bringing them eye level to examine them.

"You're not, Zayn. I hide it with con-"

"I'm your guidance counselor! I was supposed to pick up on that."

Nash decided to stay quiet, looking at the floor like a child who just got scolded.

"Why, Nash? Why would you do that to yourself?"

"Because I'm pathetic and weak and..it takes my mind off things." Nash says, tears welling in her eyes.

"Nash you're not weak or pathetic, you're beautiful and strong. I wish.." 


Zayn pulled Nash close to him, staring at her pouty lips.

"That I could be there for you."

"You've been there.." Nash reasons, gazing into Zayn's eyes.

"That's not enough.."

Zayn placed both hands on Nash's face, brushing his thumb against her cheekbones tenderly.

Zayn presses his lips against Nash's softly, placing her under his spell.

It was magical.

She felt literal sparks.

It felt wrong and toxic, but at the same time it made her calm.

It was as if he was an anecdote to all the pain she had been feeling.

Her salvation, his damnation.

She rocked back and forth on his lap, fully aware of his growing manhood.

Salty tears fell down her face and onto Zayn's shirt.

"Hey..what's wrong, love?" Zayn asked, mouth claiming on her jawline with purple spots.

"I..fuck. You have a girlfriend." Nash pulled away.

Tears fell down her face.

Not for her, or for Zayn, but for Heather.

And in that moment Nash realized something, she had become just as bad as Stephanie.

A cheater. 

Or maybe, just maybe,  it was both ways.

They were both their cures and diseases- both equally ruined and fixed one another.

activated the best and worst parts of each other.

As if they were screaming just to see who was louder.

But one thing was for sure, conversely, Nash would be the ruin of Zayn.

"Who's as good as dead."

"Zayn that's a horrible thing horrible people say." Nash pulls away, a pout on her crying face.

"I'm sorry?" Zayn said as if it were a question.

Nash laid down on his chest, sitting on his lap comfortably and innocently, no ulterior motives behind the action.

"Just..stop..stop talking and don't let me go."

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