Youre Crazy and Im Out of My Mind.

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Whatever, fuck the comment goal but guys please keep commenting. My books thrive off your input and I appreciate them so much 💕

(The next day)

A cranky Jesse answered the doorbell to his bedroom, which was five hundred feet apart from the main house.

"What do you want Harry-Nash..hi. Are you okay?"

"He wants me to kill it, Jess." Nash cries, falling into Jesse's arms.

"It's not an it..he or she is a human. You-you can't kill it Nash, that'd be inhuman."

"That's what I told him but he didn't care." She sobbed, making Jesse's heart clench in pain.

He hated seeing Nash like this.

She's just so wonderful, how could that bastard not see that? Jesse thinks.

"Come in. It's a bit of a mess.." Jesse says with a sheepish tint on his face.

It wasn't that messy, there were just too many books everywhere.

Nash sits next to Jess on his couch, laying into his chest.

She cried onto his chest, showing him something more intimate then what Zayn had ever witnessed.

She showed Jesse her vulnerability, her soul, which was far more significant then her naked body.

"You won't do it alone, Nash. I promise you won't."

"You can't ensure that..I can't leave my baby but I-I can't.. do it alone."

Her eyes were a red color, all the veins in her eyes accented by the glossy tears.

"Yes I can. Who-who's this asshole anyways?"

"You don't know him." She lied.

"Nash please don't're so amazing, and I love you so much."

"No, Jess...." Nash cried, "why Jess? I'm horrible."

That's the difference between Jess and Zayn.

Nash knew Zayn wasn't sincere-so she allowed his false declares of love.

But Nash also knew Jess wasn't faking, he was a genuine person.

And that was horrible because Jess was just too good, Nash knew she was destroying his future singlehandedly.

"You're wonderful, and anyone who doesn't see that is blind..Nash I'm so in love with you, I always have been. You're my best're my wife." Jesse reminds, kissing her on the forehead lightly.

Nash laughed, remembering their second grade wedding.

"Everything was so simple back then.." Nash smiled.

Jesse and Nash were inseparable back then.

And then middle school began and Nash slowly drifted into the popular crowd while Jesse was just known as "Harry's little brother."

"It still can be, Nash. You and I-we could be something great. Just give me a chance. I could be your night in shining armor. I could be your hero, just let me. I could..I want to hel-I want to raise the child with you."

"Jess you can''s my problem. You have to go to college and be the brilliant writer you were destined to be."

"And you're supposed to go traveling with Gray after this year..but plans change. We can do this Nash. You're not doing this alone."

"You're crazy." Nash says.

"Completely out of my mind." Jess smiles, agreeing with Nash.

"I love you so much." Nash smiled through her tears.

And then, slowly, Jesse kissed her.

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