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Nash is now 7 months pregnant and it's June of 2014.

"What is all of this?" Nash grinned, walking into her bedroom which was filled with red rose petals and Christmas lights.

Her queen sized bed was placed directly in the middle of a white wall, a big vanity on the corner of then room, right beside two doors that connected to her closet and master bathroom.

"Prom is next Saturday.." he says, enveloping her in a warm embrace from behind.

Nash smiled as he started to pepper small kisses from her jawline to her collarbones.

"And..?" She asks, waiting for him to say it.

"And I want you to be my date."

"I don't know..I'll have to check my schedule." She says completely seriously, looking into Jesse's eyes.

He looked hurt with a hint of annoyed.

Nash smiled and latched her arms around his neck, "I was kidding Jess..I'm honored to be your date to prom."

Jesse smiled and initiated a gentle kiss.

She sat on his lap before pushing him on the bed, her hair falling all over his face.

She couldn't contain her giggles, the bump between them didn't let her kiss him.

Ironic isn't it?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nash giggled.

Lately, she had been so happy.

"Because you're beautiful, and I love you." He says, leaning up to peck her lips softly.

"I-ow...Daisy kicked." Nash said bittersweetly, clutching onto her stomach.

Jesse smiles and presses a kiss to her forehead, "she's a fighter..just like you."

"I can't until June.." Nash smiles, June was only one month.

"Neither can I." Jess says honestly.

"Go to school." Nash ordered with a tiny smile, "you don't want to get a detention for being late."


"So Jessie, you knocked up little D'Martinez. She's a feisty one, I'm surprised she let you. I had to wait all of sophomore year for my turn." A cocky basketball player asks with a smirk, leaning against the gym lockers.

"Shut the fuck up asshole." Jesse sneered, not waiting before punching the jock in the jaw.

Jess continuously punches him, urging the boy to punch back but he couldn't.

He was bruised and in pain.

The boys in the locker room gathered around, laughing and taking videos until one kid got the nearest teacher he could find.

That teacher was Zayn.

Zayn peeled Jesse off of the poor boy, coming eye to eye with Nash's boyfriend.

"My office, now."

Jesse rolled his eyes and left with the teacher, ignoring the looks he got as he left.

"What the hell was that, Jess? You're a good kid, and I've never had a serious problem with you." Said Zayn, disappointment laced in his voice.

Jesse stayed quiet while looking at the floor, not knowing what to say.

"It's because of Nash, isn't it? Were they talking about her?"

"How did you know?"

"I know everyone has a verge, a reason for violence, and that boy met yours. When is the baby due?"

"June 3rd."

"Same day as graduation?"

"I'm graduating early, in two days early because of my credits."

Then he would have five months with Daisy and Nash before he had to start college.

"Smart kid. What college?"

"Columbia for journalism."

"Congratulations. You got the girl, the kid, and the school. You won." Zayn smiled, his teeth on display.

"What?" Jesse asks, clueless as to why Zayn's voice seemed so..hostile.

"Are you making her happy?"

"Of course.."

"Do you promise?" Zayn stares deeply into Jesse, as if he were reading into Jess's soul.

"Of course."

"I'm happy for you and Nash. Sincerely. Now get out of my office..this time I'm letting you off with a warning, next time it's detention until graduation."

"Thank you sir."

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