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Today was Prom and I went to school late, due to my hair appointment.
Our teachers were nice enough to let us wear our bonnets and scarfs for the event, to keep our hair together.
But then I realized I really don't have a date.
What am I doing, I always imagined Luke, but I also imagined Ariel, asking me but it wasn't gonna happen.
I had feelings for both of them.
Then a girl I never seen talk before came up to me. She had cute curly hair that I knew was a wig. She wasn't talkative in school.

 "Hey my name is Bella

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"Hey my name is Bella. Umm I really think you're pretty." She said. She never usually talked but she always would wear flashy clothes, I fw her.
"Thanks, you're beautiful. Did you need anything, or like..." I asked
"I wanted to know if you would go to prom with me? By the way you don't have a choice your beautiful ass is coming with me." She said which made me laugh
"I guess I'm already going with you then. Give me your number? " I asked
"Alright, you better text me, imma pick you up around 6pm."
"Alright, Bell." I winked
I was so EXCITED!!! Bella is cute asf and she's so dominant. I would have never known.

(Prom starts at 5:30, never come on time. It's never lit in the beginning.)

I had to get my makeup done, I was looking BOMB. I had on my dress and shoes. And I decided why not wear weave for once. It was my first and probably last time, I like my natural hair.

 It was my first and probably last time, I like my natural hair

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That's obviously not me, but that's how my hair looked.
So I was reading by 6:00, and was waiting for Bella. Then the doorbell ring and there she was.

 Then the doorbell ring and there she was

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She looked so good. From head to toe, she was on fire.
She told me" I'm not bout that whole flower thing, ya know the thing I'm supposed to put on your arm. So instead I got us matching chokers.
The choker was cute but I didn't wear it. It didn't go with what I was wearing so she just had her on.

I didn't order and limo but when I went out side, I saw a all black Jeep

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I didn't order and limo but when I went out side, I saw a all black Jeep.
"Surprise!" My mom said.
I've been driving my dads old car that was now to old to use. So it had to be thrown away or something. My mom bought me a new car, my favorite type of car at that.
I almost cried then I stopped I wasn't gonna ruin this good ass makeup.
I got in and I drove, I really wanted to drive.
Bella said "Since you couldn't wear the choker I bought you, how bout I make you one."
"And how are you gonna do that?"
"Pull over and see."
I pulled over beside the school, and we made out. She gave me a hickey, a couple of them actually. The surrounded my neck, so I'm guessing this was my choker now. It sure did match the dress 😏.
When I came out the car I saw Ariel and Luke waiting for me with a stale face.
"So you got a new car, and you got a date. You didn't tell us shit."
"Because it's none of your business. And if I told you about Bella you would try to run her off." I said
"They could never." Bella said
We walked passed them. I was guessing they were going with each other, but I just had fun with Bella. We weren't together and we didn't wanna be, we were literally just having fun. She would go around touching on other girls and wouldn't care. She always came back to me.
As Bella was talking to a girl she thought was cute, I was yanked. Who ever had me, put there had over my eyes so I couldn't see.
They removed there had I then I saw...

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