What am I doing?

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Me and Jahseh aren't together but we do have sex. Same for me and Ariel. We all agreed we wouldn't let our emotions get to us and just have fun, we knew that we weren't ready for no commitment. We went months like this. I guess I still had some hoe-mess in me.
But then I realized I don't wanna do this anymore.
I would call them or go over there place to chill, and find them fucking other people. It hurt a bit but ignored it. Not realizing me ignoring I was letting the hurt build. Eventually I had to confront it.

I woke up beside Ariel on end of my bed and Jahseh on the other. I didn't fuck Jahseh, but I did do Ariel. I think, I can't remember for some reason. But when I woke up I was mad at myself, see them in my bed together I felt so confused. I did what I told myself not to do, fall in love. I feel in love with both of them again. It made it worst knowing they loved me back. So I kicked them out and just thought.

Some time at Night
Jahseh came back and wanted to talk so I told him I couldn't do this anymore. I was crying that day, in confusion. He held me.
Jahseh: I only did this because I thought that's what you wanted. If you want to be in a relationship then go and be in one. But if you just don't wanna be in one then tell me.
Me: Jahseh, you don't get it do you. I love you, I can't stop thinking of you. And with that it's not always the best thoughts. I get reminded that you fucking some one else, even though I told you too. I'm crying because I love Ariel as well she was the only person who had me. When Tianna came back she acted like she didn't know me. I need Ariel.

Jahseh's POV
Me: You can't have us both, you need to choose. I love you and if you want to be with me then let's be together, but I can't keep playing these games Solana.
Solana: ok. I want to be with you.
Me: Are you sure?
Solana: Yes.

I was texting this girl and I've been texting her for awhile. Her names Tianna she perfect, I wanna be with her but I'm stuck on Solana.

I wanna be over her, it's obvious she's in love with X and doesn't want to be with me

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I wanna be over her, it's obvious she's in love with X and doesn't want to be with me.
I'm just gonna go over her place I need to clear some shit up.

I go in her apartment and see she was laying with Jahseh. Now that I think about it, she was only fucking us, she didn't go to parties and shit like me and X did she only did it with us.
When I walked in it seemed like her eyes were red.
Me: Are you okay? What happened?
X: She doesn't wanna fuck around anymore, and she loves us and wants to be with us.
So now me and her are together.
As soon as I heard that I just got up and left. I felt like.... I don't know. I texted Tianna and she came over and we chilled.

Solana POV
I didn't know how to feel about Ariel's outburst so I texted her...
- Are you okay? You left out like you needed to get something off your chest.
Ariel🤤💕🥀- *read*
Ard, you wanna play well guess what I don't. I went to get apartment to see Tianna laying with her.
Me: Tianna?
Tianna: What the hell do you want? Are you stalking me? You know you can't come in random people's apartments ya know.
Me: I'm Ariel best-
Ariel: She's my ex and I was having sex with her, but nothing serious. I actually was about to as you out.... Tianna.
Me: Oh, so you guys are a thing
Tianna: Yea well now we're official.
No more going out with that other bitch.
Me: Would that other 'bitch' so happen to be me?
Ariel: Yea it is actually.
Me: I guess this is good bye Ariel.
I said as I walked out.
I didn't feel hurt but I wasn't happy. I didn't wanna stay away from her, but I knew it was the best.

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