Run away....

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Today was Wednesday, I was sick and tired of living. My thoughts went from cutting myself to killing myself. I won't allow it to happen. I have to run away....
I went threw the day of school and told my only friend Luke "I'm moving."
He hugged me and it seemed like he didn't care. Which provoked me even more.
Also the fact my own parents couldn't except the daughter. I had to run away.
I skipped the rest of school, and packed all I could. I got this app on my phone where you came babysit or nanny. I already had a client who wanted me to live in the house which was perfect.
I pack everything in my car, and just drove.
Just in case someone tried it, I had a switchblade.
I knew my family would find me eventually but at least I could live a new life, unworried for some time.

Years Later
Summary, of how life has been going since I left....
I went from babysitting, to being in love with the kids brother. His name was Jahseh, he's so beautiful 😍.
But then that didn't work so I met a girl named Drew. She was crazy, and I fucked yo my relationship with her. Now she's in jail.
So now I'm single.

I had to get another job, but I worked at a day care. I hated it. Kids throwing up left and right. It was awful. Luckily I met my friend from a club awhile back. Her names Tianna.

One night she dragged me to this club, and this guy came up to me.
"Hey lil mama, you look good."
"Umm, my names not lil mama, is Solana."
"Ok Solana, you are beautiful and so is your name."
"Ok.... Thanks"
"Can I have your number?"
"Sure why not." I gave it to him.
I didn't know giving him my number would be the death of me.
1 month later
I was dating the guy I met at the club.
Come to find out Lucas got hella money, and he's sweet.

At the mall
"Baby, what you want you can get it." He told me
"I don't want anything, you don't have to spend all your money on me."
"But I want to." He said causing me to smile.
As we were walking around the mall, some guy looked at me. I looked at him but not in a seductive way that he was. Lucas saw and snapped.
"Who the fuck is that?"
"I don't know, he was just looking at me."
"Keep it up, and you won't have eyes to look."
"Who the fuck are you talking to."
"Bitch I'm talking to you."
"I got yo bitch alright." I said walked away flipping him off.
He grabbed me by my arm, carried me to the car.
He pushed me in and slapped me.
"Watch who you're talking to. I buy you anything you want and I expect for you to act like a lady. I guess you have to be taught."
"You hit me." I cried
"And I'll do it again if you act up. Now shit up while your tears."
The car ride was silent. I didn't want to talk to him, I just wanted to get away from him.
"Babe can I go home?" I asked
"No, never. You live here now."
"But I don't wanna live here."
He punched me and said " I don't care what you want, I do all thslis shit for you. Be grateful, whore!" He said pointing at his house.
I realized I was trapped with a man who didn't love me, and only cared about money. He would lock me in a room. He would feed me, but it felt like I was kidnapped. I couldn't leave the room, he just bought me shit and fed me. He never let me out because I didnt have makeup to cover the bruises he made.
I was trapped in a room with my phone, but he some how hacked it to the point where who ever I dm, text, or talk to period, he could see it all. So every time a guy came at me, he would beat me thinking I was cheating.
I wanted to call Jahseh, but he probably hates me. We ended off bad, but I never heard from him. He didn't post, and if he did it would be depressing things. He put out a song called "Kill Me". I listened to it, and it sounded like he was singing from a phone speaker, but I just thought he edited it to sound that way.
I didn't see Tianna, and my job fired me due to my unexcused absence.

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