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The Funeral.
I didn't dress up, I wore something casual.
I didn't wanna be crying over my 'good' clothes. Jahseh wore something a little bit over casual but it looked nice.
We walked in the church and the first person I see is my cousins.!We're the closet when it comes to the family.
Pearl & Mario.
Pearl: Hi 😔. I haven't seen you in forever, and I miss you. It's fucked that this is the reason why you're here but you know we all love you.
Me: Don't lie and say my family loves me, when all they've done is fuck my life up. This is X I know you both know him. Also I miss and love you both as well.
Mario: Look, ever since you left, the family has been a reck.
Me: That's not my problem.
My sister comes up and interrupts the convo.
Addy (sis): I hope you know this is all your fault. If you weren't so selfish maybe I would have my dad.
Me: And maybe if you weren't such an awful person he wouldn't always need me!
X: Okay, let's go sit down.
Mario: Sit by us. And Addy it's not the time nor place for that, also Pearl don't curse in church.
Time to burry him
I couldn't help the water works, I cried in X's arm as I saw the people put my dad in the grave. I wanted to jump in there with him and die but I had to keep myself together.
This felt like a nightmare, but everybody dies in their nightmares.


My cousins forced me to come to the thing you do after a funeral. There was food and drinks, but I just wanted to go home.
Mario: We brought you here for a reason.
Me: Why?
Mario: Go ask your mom.
I walked to my mom.
Me: Mario said that I was supposed to be here for a reason.
Mom: Here, this is the note he wrote along time ago. Also we read his will, and you get one fourth of everything. Me, Addy, and his mom get everything else.
Me: Okay.
The note read.
Solana Arabia Cole
You're amazing, beautiful, talented.
This is supposed to be given to you when I die.
I want you to look in the basement of the house. Go to the bathroom and break the mirror cabinet out.
All of that is for you!
I know that I can't help your depression, and I know life is hard especially since our disagreements but I love you!
And I know you love me too.
Goodbye, and just know I'm waiting you. My soul will always be there for you.
I just started to cry as I read it, I also was confused on what's behind the mirror cabinet....

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