Fight Me!

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Jahseh: Oh shit!-
Me: What are you yelling for, nigga I'm right here!
Jahseh: Geneva, said she's coming over.
Me: How does this bitch know where I leave!?
Jahseh: It's not like that, she stalked me.
Me: Well tell her ass whats good cuz I stay ready.
5 minutes later I heard a knock on my door.
I had already had my hair tied up, my tims on, and I sports bra, with some sweat pants.

Jahseh rushes to the door, and I walk behind him. He opens the door and try's to explain and try's to get her to leave.
Me: Nah, let the bitch. Cuz I promise you, I will beat yo ass!
Jahseh: Solana Stop!
Me: So you're serious trying to protect her, even though she wants to ruin our relationship. You dead ass, okay.
Jahseh: No, I want you to chill. This is not how you need to handle this.
Me: If anything you can't be talking, Mr. SippinTeaInYoHood
Jahseh: Please!
Me: Fuck that!
Geneva: Jah, you better get this dumb bitch before-
Jahseh: Shut the fuck up!
Me: That's right bit-
Jahseh: You too! Both of you, Chill and Shit the fuck up! I'm tired of this shit. You not trusting me, and You fucking with what makes me happy. Both of you are crazy, do you know how hard it is to mangalore both of y'all.
Me: Well you should be only managing one of us, but-
Jahseh- Solana! I swea-!
He takes a deep breath and says
Jahseh: I love you! Stop trying to test that shit. If I came back, and even fully committed to you, after everything we've been through, why do you still try to make it seem like I don't love you. I went to jail for you, I almost killed for you, I even let you leave me so YOU could be happy, I sacrificed my love for you to someone else so you could be happy. Stop with bullshit!
After he gave me that 'dad' lecture, I got turned on. He knows that when he gets mad or aggressive that I like it.
Me: I'm sorry!
I said hugging from behind. He took another deep breathe out of shame and shook his head.
Jahseh: Now you. I told you, stop trying to get me back. I love you but I need to love myself. You caused me to feel this way towards her, the love of my life. I thought that's what you were, but I guess I was wrong. I'd bet you dance on my grave. I see the vivid pictures in my head of other niggas with you, but I love you still. But I hate you as well, Bye!
He closed the door and I hugged him close and tightly. We cried together. He rarely cried but I know how he feels about her. I cried because I knew that he was hurt and a bit of jealousy was behind it. I couldn't help but think 'what did she have that I couldn't give?' .
Sometimes I wished I was a Normal Girl

(Her and Ariel wrote a song awhile back called Normal girl. Sza/Ariel used the chorus of that old song for her new song Normal girl.) completely not true but I like how it ties to the story****

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