The Real Deal

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'Places everyone,' the pastor called out to the family and friends gathered for our rehearsal. 'Hunter, up here, please. Jenna, Mr.Brighton, take your spots in the narthex.'

My dad and I took our spots in the archway of the church foyer, and I hear the music begin to play. The bridesmaids and ushers make their way up the aisle, taking their places as directed by the pastor. My dad and I walk up in time with the music, he and Hunter shake hands. And here I am, practicing to marry the love of my life.

After the rehearsal, everyone made their way over to the banquet hall for dinner. This was only the second occasion for my parents to meet Hunter's, and one of the first times our close family had a chance to mingle. A few speeches were made by the maid of honour and best man, both of our parents and Hunter.

'I want to thank all of our friends and family for joining us at this special time in our lives. Your support means the world to us. It was about three years agoI was in Canada on tour, and I spilt coffee all over Jenna's counter at Starbucks'. Everyone let out a little laugh, 'Little did I know that by spilling my coffee, and apologizing profusely - I would be here marrying her.' Everyone cheered as Hunter finished his speech. 'I've taken a lot of risks in my life and career. Asking to marry you Jenna, was the best decision I could have ever made.'

I couldn't help but shed a few tears after such a sweet speech. I dry my eyes and take the mic. 'I'm completely blown away by you Hunter. As he said, we couldn't be happier to have all of you here. A huge special thank you goes to my mom and dad. Thank you for always supporting me, even if that meant my moving five thousand miles away. Another great big thanks to my best friend, and maid of honour, Stephanie. You have been so supportive of Hunter and I from the getgo." I paused and took a deep breath before turning and facing Hunter," Hunter. Words can barely begin to describe our relationship and it's meaning to me. Yes, I had just cleaned the counter when you spilt your latte, yes, I recognized you and fan girled on the inside. But, I would have never thought in my wildest dreams I would be here tonight, less than forty eight hours away from being your wife.' The hall erupted into applause as Hunter wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

'Everyone – dessert will be on its way momentarily, but for now, let's dance!' Hunter announced.

His hands sat gently on my hips as we swayed back and forth to the music blaring from the DJs speakers. It was about eleven when the party began to clear out; Hunter and I were making our way out, parents, Ali and Stephanie in tow. Back at the house, everyone said good night and went their separate ways, Hunter and I included.

'Spending the night at Devon's tomorrow?' I ask, taking down my extra pillows

Hunter nodded, taking down his side. 'Dad's coming with me, mom will stay here.'

'I think I'll need the extra hands' I laugh, thinking about how hectic Saturday will be.

'Stop thinking,' Hunter says, shuffling closer to me. 'Everything will be great.'

'Get out of my head Hayes,' I say jokingly. 'I'm more excited than anything.'

'Good. So am I.'

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