Hush, hush

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The few weeks after the honeymoon flew by, and it's already Thanksgiving weekend. Hunter's parents are staying for two nights. We decided to do our big dinner on the Saturday night given that I had the Ryman show on the holiday Monday. 'Turkey, check. Stuffing and potatoes, check. Veggies and cranberry sauce, check.'

'You've got it babe' Hunter said, resting his hand on the small of my back, 'My parents are excited.'

'Are we gonna tell them,' I asked resting my hands on my non-existent belly. 'Or are we going to wait til Christmas.'

'Let's wait until Christmas. If they ask, we can be honest, but I think you can get away with hiding it for a few more weeks." Hunter chuckled, going over to the oven to remove the mini pumpkin pie tarts.

I made my way to wash up and get dressed for dinner. I picked out black leggings and a knit burgundy long sleeve top. Hunter wore a black dress shirt and dark blue jeans. The doorbell rang promptly at five, and Leo and Lynette made their way into the kitchen just as I was taking the turkey out of the oven. Dinner was amazing, full of laughter and cheer. The night ended way too quickly. Leo and Lynette made their way downstairs to bed and Hunter and I made our way upstairs.

'I feel that was a successful dinner' I said to Hunter as we made our way to bed'

'Dinner was great love,' Hunter said, wrapping his arms around me, laying his head on my chest.

I play with his hair, 'Would you be able to come to a doctor's appointment with me early on Friday?'

'Of course baby, what time?' Hunter answered, sitting up to talk to me. 'Did you find a doctor?' I nodded.

'Nine. I tried to make it early so I don't cut in on your studio time.' I said, and Hunter's expression changed to one of concern.

'Jenna, do not worry about cutting in, 'cause you're not. You're my wife and this is our baby. That's my number one priority.' I wrapped me into a hug with a gentle kiss on my lips. 'Work can wait. I want to be with you every step of the way.'

I smiled, 'Thank you baby.' He smiled, no need for words. 'What are you going to tell the guys?'

'Well we are going to have our new year meeting in January. I'll bring it up then...' His voice trailed off, which meant his mind was stirring. 'I'm just so excited, I want to tell everyone.'

On that note we said good night before shutting off the lights.

Hunter and I stood at the front door, waving to his parents early Monday morning as they headed back to Louisiana and Hunter and I geared up for the Ryman show.

'The weekend flew by,' I said, 'Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye.'

Hunter nodded as we walked back inside. The day was nice, however the evening became quite cool. I made my way to the kitchen, foraging through the cupboards for something sweet. 'These cravings are going to make me fat!' I shouted, reading the label on a box of cookies.

'Impossible,' Hunter said, coming up behind me, gently massaging my shoulders. 'we can go for a walk if that makes you feel better.'

'Good idea!' I grab a cookie and go grab my coat. Hunter joined me; we locked up and headed out for a walk. The walk lasted about forty five minutes, trailing through the quiet neighborhood, talking about everything from the Grammys to Christmas and nursery colours.

Bleep, my phone rang, receiving a text.

Stephanie: Hey! How are you? I just picked up the issue of the magazine with you and Hunter on the cover. How was the honeymoon?

Jenna: Awesome. Crazy I was just going to text you. How are you?

Stephanie: Great thanks : ) Skype me when you have some time. Got lots of news to share with you.

Jenna: I will tonight if I can, definitely tomorrow :)

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