The Moment I Knew

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I drop my shopping bags next to my suitcase and flop on the bed, seconds later Hunter flops next to me. We were drained. We had a group dinner, a walking tour and shopped. And of course we had gelato.

'I'm exhausted sweetie.' Hunter said kissing my forehead.

'Me too. I can't believe we are halfway through our trip' I thought; back to work life and reality in a week.

'I am itching to get some studio time though' Hunter admitted. 'But this trip has been great so far.'

'I appreciate you taking off so much time for the past crazy month.' I said, rolling into a hug.

'Anything for you, love.' He kissed me. I know I had fallen asleep quickly because I don't remember anything until I woke up the next day. The tour continued to Pisa, which flew by. The last day in Italy was spent in Pompeii before we took an overnight train to Greece.

At lunch in the hotel café, I was looking over the itinerary for the rest of the tour. We have two more group dinners, and I didn't realize on the last full day of being in Greece that we are going to be on a day-cruise.'

'Oh that's fun. ' I nodded and kept flipping pages. 'What's today Hunt?'

'The thirty fir- oh my gosh happy Halloween!' Hunter exclaimed.

'Haha oh my gosh, really eh,' That's not what I was wondering about, but okay, I thought to myself. 'We have an evening walking tour of Vesuvius then a plane to Greece tonight.' I closed the itinerary and finished my pizza.

We boarded the plane, buckled up and Hunter opened up his song book while I plugged in to my iPod and tried to get past level 76 in candy crush.

I opened my heavy eyes and realized the stewardess came over to wake Hunter and I. 'We are preparing to descend into Athens.'

I nudged Hunter awake, and we landed, disembarked and boarded onto the bus. We will be arriving in twenty minutes or less. Feel free to explore the village at your leisure. We will be having lunch at one o'clock on a boat in the harbor. And it is currently nine a.m.' the tour guide announced. She continued talking about some historical information but I was lost in the beautiful scenery out my window.

'Can we grab a snack when we get to the hotel? I asked Hunter, he nodded with a smile, looking up from his songbook.

'I think I've got a song for the new album' He said, his smile beaming.

'That's great baby' I kissed him, 'I'm so excited for your new album.'

'Me too. Number five.' He sighed, 'I remember number one and two like it was yesterday'

'I remember buying number one and two, and the We Are Not Invisible tour.' I laugh, thinking about where I was five years ago, a part time barista at Starbucks in school full time.

'Time flies' he said as we pulled up to the hotel. We made our way to our room and I went on an adventure for food while Hunter showered.

I wound up in the hotel café and heard snickering from the group behind me. I decided to carry on and ignore it. I was dying for something to settle my stomach, and I decided to grab a ginger ale, muffin and a coffee for Hunter.

'So you're Jenna. You must be something really special.' I heard a girl ask behind me in a sassy tone.

'Pardon?' I ask, turning to see the girl from the train in the tour group with a smug expression. She was standing with another similarly aged girl, also from our tour.

'I think you heard me. What makes you so special? I never pictured someone as talented as Hunter Hayes marrying some talentless nobody?'

'I don't have anything to say.' I paid for my purchase and continued to my room, brushing by the girls.

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