Light Me Up

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Hunter swipes his credit card on the machine as we finished breakfast at Cora's. We made our way back to the car, hand in hand, sunglasses on and heads down. Hunter opened my door for me and we made our way home to pack.

'So we're landing in England first?'

'Yep,' I responded, searching for weather forecasts. 'Pack for drizzly weather, and it's gonna be cool'

'However Greece looks a lot warmer,' Hunter noted reading over my shoulder.

'I guess we should back a bit of everything,' I laugh. 'Do you need another coffee?'

'You know me too well,' Hunter said with a smile, 'Thanks love'

I kissed him swiftly on the lips before slipping downstairs to whip together two coffees. In a matter of an hour we finished packing our suitcases and carry-on bags and it was time for lunch. Hunter had a knack for cooking when he was home, and I enjoyed his company in the kitchen. 'So, my manager thinks I could pull off doing a greatest hits album, what do you think?'

'That's pretty huge, Hunt.' I smiled, 'I think it'd be cool. It's your fifth album, so why not? Maybe do a few new duets with some of your older songs? Maybe a DVD live-concert kind of thing?'

He nodded, considering my suggestions. 'Well there's someone I'd love to do a duet with...' His voice trailing off.

'Oh?' Not me please, I think to myself, 'who may that be, I mean, you've got a song with almost everyone. Except Taylor Swift, you should do a duet with her' I laugh.

Hunter rolls his eyes, 'No silly girl,' he says bumping my hip with his. 'I think you and I could record a song together. Then you can automatically tour with me. '

I nodded, 'But what would I sing? I'm still sitting on that EP.' Our first Christmas together, I played 'All Too Well' on the piano for Hunter. We had been dating for nine months and I decided it was the right time to show him I could sing. 

'Nonsense. What if we did a  version of 'Better Than This'.'

He knows that's one of my all-time favourites. 'You have got me cornered.' He hugged me and kissed my cheek. 'Finish cutting those veggies, I'll start the chicken.'

'We can practice after lunch,' he's as excited as a kid in a candy store. I nodded, smiling at his excitement. I avoided this for as long as I possibly could.

'Sure thing babe.' I inquired, 'What are your thoughts about the greatest hits thing?'

'It'd be good since I haven't written near as much as I expected on tour. But I could always pick like, ten songs, revamp them and add like four or five others.'

'Yeah for sure. I think it'd be great.' We sat down to eat chicken fajitas, and when we finished, Hunter ran off to get his guitar and mac book while I cleared the table. 'Ready when you are babe.", he called from the couch, tuning his guitar. I poured myself a glass of water and made my way over.

'How are we gonna do this?' I ask as Hunter sets up his computer. 'I'll do up until 'never looked back' and you can start the second half of the first verse, 'I never was much for falling in line'. And I can do the first chorus, we can do the second verse together and the next chorus together too.' He said enthusiastically.

'Let's give it a go.'

We played a few times, trying different sequences. We recorded Hunter's original idea on his laptop for him to take to the studio after the honeymoon. We opt to order in pizza, since there wasn't much else to eat. I decided not to go grocery shopping since we were leaving for our honeymoon. After our late dinner and a glass of wine, Hunter and I headed off to bed, resting up for the early plane ride ahead of us.

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